43. The fight at the farm

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"You shall stand up for what's right"

"You shall stand up for what's right"

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You walked out of the barn to see Lila "There you are, I was on my way to get you" she said with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm not going with you, if you want me, then come on, but I'm not giving up without a fight" you said.

"Y/n. I'm so sorry" Lila said "Don't give me that. If you were, you wouldn't do this. I thought you were a good person, I actually thought we could be friends. But you only wanted this to get close to me so you could get close to Five just like you did to Diego so you could kidnap me when I let my guard down. You never wanted to be my friend, right?" you asked "I actually wanted to be your friend" she said "Bullshit, you used me, you used Diego" you said.

"Listen, I would have love to meet you under different circumstance. But unfortunately you want to protect the man who I want to kill the most" she said "Well, I also married him. And as much as you want to kill him I can't let you, so if you want to kill him, you have to go through me first" you said "I like you Y/n and 'cause of that. I don't want to hurt you. So just give up and I wouldn't hurt you" she said "Never" you said.

"I can easy break your neck, but since my mom wants you alive 'cause of that little brat inside of you, I have to take you down the more fun way" she said "Bring it on" you said.

"You know Y/n, I had always looked up to you. I admired your work as an assassin" she said "Thanks, I didn't know I had fans" you said.

"I wanted to be just like you, brave, reckless, but then I realised that I'm better than you" Lila said "Maybe you are, maybe you are not. But if there is one thing that I know you are, then is a puppet that is being controlled by a cold hearted bitch" you said "One of the things I admired about you were that even when you know that you don't stand a chance, you don't give up. You never give up. But one time shall be the first" she said "Bring it on. Don't hold back" you said as you got in a fighting position.

You might be pregnant, but you can still fight like the trained assassin you are.

She threw a punch at you but you dodged it before you threw a punch at her but she moved to the side dodging the punch.

She threw another punch at you who dodged before she kicked you in the waist, causing you to stumbled back.

She then a punched at you, but you grabbed her wrist and kicked her in the stomach causing her to let out a grunt.

You threw a few punches at her, hitting her in the face a few time, but as you threw another punch, she grabbed your arm and turned it around, before she went behind you and wrapped her arm around your throat "It's a shame that I can't kill you, so I will just knock you out, and when you woke up again, your husband and his siblings will be dead" she said as she tightening the grip around your throat.

Two assassins in love, Five Hargreeves (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now