3: The First Night

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We followed our head of house to the Slytherin common room "Girls dorms on the left boys dorms on the right," Professor Snape said then leaves. We all went to our dorms "Hey I'm Rose Black," a girl with black hair said to me "I'm Y/N Potter nice to meet you," I smiled "There's going be a gathering in the common room wanna come?," Rose asked me "Sure," we walked to the common room and I see Draco Malfoy. We all sat down and started to talk about what we're excited to learn "Let's play a game," I suggested "Sure what game tho Potter?," Draco asked "First of all you can call me by my name Y/N and how about spin the bottle," I looked at Draco he smirks everyone agrees "We don't have a bottle," Rose said "We'll use a wand," a girl by Draco said I think it was Pansy Parkinson I sat my wand in the middle of the circle "Who's first?," I asked "I'll go first," Rose said she spins the wand and it landed on Jordan a second year Slytherin they kissed than it was Draco's turn he spins my wand and it lands on me. He comes over and we kissed my first ever kiss was with Draco Malfoy he pulls back and Pansy looked mad we continued playing until Snape came in "GET TO YOUR DORMS NOW," he yells we all get up and speed walk to our dorms "So how was kissing Malfoy?," Rose asked "It was okay I guess he was my first kiss," I looked down "OMG that's amazing," Rose giggled we got ready for bed and we went to sleep.


I woke up with Rose shaking me "Y/N wake up," Rose said ripping my blanket off my body "I'm up," I got off my bed. I put my uniform and robe than we went to the dinning hall got breakfast "I'm going go sit with my brother," I looked at Rose "Ok," she walked to the Slytherin table and I went to the Gryffindor table I put my hands on Harry's eyes "Guess who?," "Let's see, my annoying loving twin sister," Harry laughs while I sat down "Hey I'm not that annoying," I slapped his arm we laughed "Hey Y/N," Hermione smiled "Hey Hermione," I smiled back. We started eating breakfast Ron didn't even say a word to me "Ron thinks all Slytherin are bad and evil that's why he ain't talking to you," Harry whispered to me "I'm going to change that," I looked at Ron we continued eating than it was our first class. We walked to Potions which the teacher was Professor Snape I sat beside Rose and Draco we were talking until Snape walks in. Snape was picking on my brother I raised my hand " Yes Ms. Potter," Snape looked at me "I'm not trying be disrespectful or anything but how can my brother know this stuff if we just learnt about the world of magic and that sort of things just a week ago?," I said Snape looked mad after me saying that " Y/N has a point Professor," Rose said. The class went on with Harry, Ron and Hermione getting detention. Draco keeps bugging me " What do you want Malfoy?," I whispered " Meet me after class," he smirks "Okay," I smiled at him I felt someone staring at me I looked around the classroom and it was Parkinson "What?," I mouthed to her "He's mine," she months back I just rolled my eyes.


After class I waited for Draco outside the class he walks up to me "So what's up?," I asked him "I want to talk to you about the kiss that happened last night," Draco said "Okay what about it?," I raised my eyebrow "I felt something when I kissed you it was like magic," Draco said "Oh," I looked at him "Did you feel it?," he looks at me with a sad smile. I didn't want to lie to him nor tell the truth but I kinda felt something when him and I kissed "I don't know what I felt Malfoy," I looked down "Oh ok," he sadly smiles "I do want to be friends with you tho Malfoy," I smiled at him yet again "Ok Potter let's be friends," he smirks knowing I hate being called Potter "Call me by my name Y/N not Potter Malfoy," I smiled "Ok Y/N and you can call me Draco," he playfully smiled "Ok Draco," I laughed.

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