6: You're Too Young

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Draco's POV

I woke up with Y/N not in bed "Y/N?!?," I screamed "I'm in the bathroom and your mother sent you a letter it's on the desk," she replies. I get up and walked to the desk I open the letter


It's nice to hear from you so early in the school year, your father and I are glad to hear you're in Slytherin, I'm glad you made a friend already

Snape wrote us a letter saying you moved Y/N Potter in your dorm because she's getting bullied by a fellow Slytherin I'm so proud of you,

About your questions about love you're too young to know what love is but you'll figure it out on your own, But love is a difficult thing to describe it's just one of those things that's different for everyone,

I hope to hear from you soon I love you and miss you

Your Mother,
Narcissa Malfoy

I folded up the letter and put it back in the envelope I put it in the desk drawer. I got up and see Y/N reading her book ready for school "I'll wait for you here get ready," she smiles at me I grab my robe and uniform than went to the bathroom I changed into it and I was struggling with my tie. I left the bathroom "Can you help me with my tie?," I look at Y/N


"Can you help me with my tie?," I heard Draco say I look up and Draco is standing by the bathroom door "Of course come here," I said he walks towards me I get up off the chair and started tieing his tie "How did you get a dorm all by yourself?," I asked him "My father insisted that I have my own room so I don't get distracted from the other boys," he smirks "He didn't think about girls," I laughed "I guess not," he laughs with me "All done," I fixed his collar "Thank you," he smiles "You're very welcome," I smiled back


We go down to the Great Hall for breakfast and Harry is staring at Draco and I "Pottah is staring at us," Draco smirks "I think it's cause I'm with you," I looked back at my brother "While he needs to get use to it," Draco puts his arm around my shoulder I started blushing he leads me to the Slytherin table and we sat down by Crabbe and Goyle. I looked around and everyone is whispering looking at Draco and I "Everyone is staring at us," I whispered to Draco "Let them," he whispers in my ear and kisses my cheek. Rose comes and sits with us " Hey Y/N and Malfoy," "Hey Rose," I smiled at her Draco nods at Rose "Parkinson couldn't shut up how Malfoy came and took you to his dorm," Rose rolls her eyes "Parkinson shouldn't have hit Y/N," Draco looks at Rose "Parkinson thinks you're hers," I laughed Draco and Rose started laughing with me. We continued eating and talking than it was time for Charms with Gryffindors. Rose, Draco and I walked together and sat together Parkinson tried to sit with us but Crabbe and Goyle beat her to it "Thanks guy," I smiled at them "Anything for you Potter," Crabbe said. Professor Flitwick comes in and started teaching us the charm Wingardium Leviosa "A swoosh and a flick Wingardium Leviosa," Professor Flitwick tells us and the feather in front of him starts floating "Now you try," Professor Flitwick said "Wingardium Leviosa," everyone said in the class Hermione got it her first try "10 points to Gryffindor, Exactly job Miss.Granger," Professor Flitwick said "Wingardium Leviosa," I did a swoosh and a flick and my feather started to float "5 points to Slytherin good job Ms. Potter," Flitwick said. Harry got it after me and I saw Ron struggling and Hermione telling him " No no you're doing it all wrong, It's Wingardium Leviosa not Leviosaa," she said I giggled at that.


Draco's POV

It's already lunch time and we're all chatting about how Harry got on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Y/N was reading her book "Hey are you okay?," I whispered in her ear she nodded yes "Are you sure?," I looked at her with sympathy " Yeah I'm sure Draco don't worry about me," she smiles at me "I'll always worry about you," I smile back "I know," she looks back at her book. We continued to chat among ourselves and I keep looking at Y/N making sure she's okay


My brother is now the talk of the school great don't get me wrong I'm happy for him but I was tried of hearing people saying to each other ' Did you hear Harry Potter got on the Gryffindor team and he's a Seeker' or ' Harry Potter is only in first year and already on the team'. I didn't feel like going to my last two classes of the day so I told Professor Snape I wasn't feeling well and he wrote a note for Draco to give to Professor McGonagall to give Draco any homework for today's class and he made a note for himself to remind him to give Draco homework from Potions. I walked to the Slytherin dorms "Pureblood," I said to the gargoyles and they let me in I went straight to my and Draco's dorm. I took a shower and put on my pj's I sat by fireplace and read my book.


I looked at the watch and school was over Draco came into the dorm "Hey how are you feeling?," he asked me putting down his books on the coffee table "I'm okay," I smiled at me "What's the real reason why you weren't in the last two classes?," he looked at me with a straight face "I was tried of hearing about how my brother is famous for getting on his Quidditch team and being a first year Seeker," I said honestly "Well supper is almost ready are you coming down?," Draco looks at me with a smile "Yeah let's go," I got up off the couch and we walked to the Great Hall. Rose ran up to me asking if I was okay why I wasn't in class Draco simply said she wasn't feeling well so Snape told her to get some rest. We were eating and Harry came up to the Slytherin table "Y/N? Can we talk?," he asked me "Sure," I got up Harry and I walked out of the Great Hall "Are you okay you weren't in the last 2 classes?," Harry looked worried "I wasn't feeling well," I said looking down "Don't lie to me Y/N I'm your twin brother I know when you're lying," he looked at me with a straight face "FINE, I was tried of hearing about how great Harry Freaking Potter is okay," I snapped and walked back to the Slytherin table leaving Harry there. "Are you okay?," both Draco and Rose asked me "Peachy," I looked at both of  them Draco rubs my back I could feel someone watching us I looked over my shoulder and it was Harry and Ron looking at us I flipped them off. "A TROLL IN THE DUNGEON A TROLL IN THE DUGEON," Professor Quill comes in the Great Hall and fainted. "All students get to your dormitories now," Professor Dumbledore says I saw Harry and Ron running out of the Great Hall I get up to follow them Draco stops me "Where do you think you're going?," "To see where my brother and his dumbass of a friend is going," I  said running off. I followed them into the girls bathroom where Hermione and the troll is "HERMIONE WATCH OUT," I screamed now the troll is after me. Harry throws a rock at it to take it's attention off of me onto him Harry uses the troll's bat and climbs onto it's back and stick his wand into it's nose. I grab my wand and Ron did too we both at the same time with Hermione's help telling Ron what to do we both screamed "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA" and the troll's bat was floating around we let it go and it knocks out the troll. All the Professors came into the girls bathroom and saw us "All four of you what are you doing here I thought we said all students to their dormitories," Professor McGonagall said "It's my fault Professor I heard about the troll and went off the find it, I was reading about them if it wasn't for the other three I would've been hurt," Hermione told the Professors "50 points from Gryffindor for stupidity 15 points to Slytherin for bravery and stupid luck and 5 points to each boy for Gryffindor for stupid luck now all four of you to your dormitories," Professor McGonagall says we all rush out of the girls bathroom after seeing Professor Quill jump hearing the troll snored. I get into the Slytherin common room Draco and Rose was waiting there for me worrying Draco was walking back and forward in front of the fireplace "Hey guys," I said Rose and Draco runs up to me hugging me "Don't do that every again," Draco said hugging me tightly "I can't promise that," I giggled

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