Fight or flight

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Obanai breathed heavily.
What do I do? He thought.
Run, his inner voice told him. Run and hurt her.
He finally forced himself to say something.
She sat down next to him. "So you're the Snake Hashira?"
He nodded.
"That's cool."
She nodded and gave him a small smile.
His stomach flipped when he saw that smile.
"Why are you here?" He accidentally blurted out.
"Oh...." She looked embarrassed. "'s.... complicated. And embarrassing."
He shifted slightly closer to her. "I don't mind."
She looked at him and moved closer also. "Ok. If you say so."
She took a deep breath and he listened intently.
"I'm here because I thought you might want a friend. And....I would like a friend too," Aurora confessed.
His heart dropped. For some reason, he had been hoping she'd reveal romantic feelings for him.
Not that he had any for her.
He shook his head to clear his thoughts.
"It's fine if you don't though," she stuttered quickly.
"No, it's not that. a bad mood. Yes Aurora. I'd love to be friends."
Her face lit up. "Really?"
She extended her hand. "Friends?"
He shook it. Her skin felt perfect. "Friends."

Obanai and Aurora-Love for the ages Where stories live. Discover now