Mr. Ichinomiya - Chapter 1

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"3... 2... 1..." I am so screwed! What do I do?!
"Times up." Wh-! My thoughts were immediately interrupted as Ichinomiya threw me over his shoulder and proceeded to take me up to his suite.
"W-wait! I thought I got to choose?!" I argued even though that probably wasn't a good idea considering who he was.
"You take too long. I made your decision for you." He didn't seem to care about anything I said.
"Damn, why does Boss get to have all the fun...?" I heard one of the other guys mumble.
"He already likes his new toy." A toy?! I am not a toy! What kind of toy would cost 20 million yen anyway?! Dammit Olivia! Not the point!
When we reached his suite he still had me flung over his shoulder which was getting really uncomfortable. He then went into one of the rooms and dropped me down onto the bed. Again, RUDE.
"Stay here." That was all he said before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.
"Well... now what?" My initial anger and confusion were basically gone as soon as he left the room and now I was just in a daze. I got up from the bed and looked around the room. It was bigger than my whole apartment back home.
"Oh..." I realised now that I hadn't had anything since breakfast. I didn't bother eating lunch today because I had extra things to do at the shoot. Will he yell at me if I ask for food...? I mean I freaking starving here. A girl's gotta eat, dude. I prepared myself for the worst as I reached for the handle and exited the room. I then walked down the hallway to the lounge which I looked around in awe at. It looks like he isn't here... Phew! I quickly found the kitchen, looked in the fridge only to be met with emptiness. You know that feeling you get when you look in the fridge and complain that there's nothing to eat even though there's so much food? Well... there's no food here! What the hell?!
"What are you doing?" Ohhh, no.
"Umm... n-nothing..." I said as I continued to face the fridge, not wanting to see the anger on his face.
"...are you hungry?"
"Huh?" That was the last thing I expected him to say. I expected him to be mad and kill me just for leaving the room. Yeah, he just seems like the kind of guy who always gets his way.
"Do you have trouble hearing? I asked if you're hungry." He said again, thinking I didn't hear him the first time even though I did but I was just bewildered.
"Um... yeah... I haven't eaten since breakfast..." I said while looking down at the ground.
"Didn't you have lunch?" He asked while he furrowed his eyebrows.
"No, I was too busy on the set that when I had finished, lunch was over."
"*sigh* You're a troublesome woman, you know that? Just order room service." He said as he waved his hand in dismissal and walked away.
"Wait, wh-" He didn't even listen to me as he went into a room and closed the door behind him. I didn't know if he meant in or not. Plus, I feel like eating room service by myself would make me gain more than just a few pounds...
I sat on the sofa for a while because I didn't feel like going back to the room to just sit there. It's only 10:30... Oh, I know what I can do! I went back to the room to grab my camera and thought I could take some pictures of the beautiful skyline of Tokyo. This is what I like to do in my spare time or if I'm bored. I've always loved taking photos. I was always in charge of our family vacation photos because whenever my dad tried to take a photo it would always end up out of focus. As I was taking in the scenery and taking pictures from different angles I heard a click behind me.
"Oh..." I turned around and Mr. Ichinomiya had come out of his room. He had been in there for a while.
"What are you doing?" He asked in a demanding tone which gave me no choice but to answer.
"I was just bored..." I looked down as I didn't want to meet his intimidating gaze.
"So you take pictures?" He raised an eyebrow as if it was the weirdest thing I could've done.
"Is it that strange?" I got up a little courage and spoke with a but of an attitude. He looked at me with anger written Al, over his face. Ohh, God. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. Next thing I knew, I was being pushed up against the glass window, overlooking the city.
"W-wha-" When I looked up his face was only inches from mine but... I couldn't look away.
"Let me tell you something. When I ask you a question you answer it, when I tell you to do something you do it. Got it?"
"W-wai-" Once again my words were cut off by his intimidating glare.
"And the only responses you are allowed to give are 'yes' and 'okay'." What is with this guy...? "Understand?"
"...y-yes." I muttered a barely audible response and with that, he let me go.
"Now go to bed." He said while he walked away. Woah... Did that just happen...? I pinched my arm to make sure that it wasn't some weird dream.
"Ow...! Nope, this is definitely reality." At that moment, the door to the suite opened. I looked up to see the flirty guy and the nice guy from the park walk in.
"Hey, you are still awake." The flirty guy said and they both walked up to me.
"You look a little shaken up. Are you okay?" The nice guy looked concerned.
"N-no, I'm fine..." I muttered while looking down. "By the way, I still don't know your names."
"Wait, you don't know my name?" The nice guy said with a shocked look on his face as if I should know.
"Um... no." The flirty guy laughed at this. "Are you famous or something...?"
"Well, yeah actually. I'm Ota Kisaki, I'm the angelic artist." Angelic artist, huh? I guess he does look like an angel with that smile.
"Okay, okay, my turn. I'm Baba, Mitsunari Baba, but you can call me Michi, Micchan, whatever you want." He said while giving me a wink.
"I think I'll stick with Baba." I said while giving him a look that I clearly wasn't interested.
"Ooh, shot down." Ota said while it was his turn to laugh. Baba gave him a death stare before turning back to me.
"You haven't told us your name yet, pretty lady." He reached down to kiss the back of my hand but I shook him off before he could.
"It's Olivia, Olivia Ash." I said while looking at both if them.
"A pretty name for the pretty lady." He tried to kiss my hand again but I smacked his hand and gave him a nasty glare. "Well that's rude..." He covered his mouth with his hand with a distraught look on his face. He's obviously fine. Drama queen much?
"Well, if you ever feel lonely up here, you can always come down to my suite. I'll take good care of you Koro." He reached up to put his hand on my cheek and after I had processed what happened I back away from him. Okay, he is NOT nice. I repeat, NOT NICE.
"What did you guys come up here for exactly...?" I asked the question I should've asked as soon as they walked through the door.
"We just wanted to make sure boss was taking good care of his pet." Ota said. First a toy now a pet...?! I don't know which one's worse...!
"Can I ask you guys something...?" They looked at me questioningly. "Do you have any food around here...?" After a moment of silence, they burst out laughing. Is it that funny?
"Wow, I thought you were going to ask something serious, like about the auctions or something." They continued to laugh at my expense.
"You could just order room service." Baba stated the obvious.
"I know, but... I don't really want to eat room service by myself..." I gave the most pathetic answer I could ever have given.
"Well then, we'll join you!" Before I could protest, Ota had already clutched my arm and took me out if the room, with Baba close behind.
We went down to the lounge where the homeless looking guy and the handsome but scary looking guy were. The two of them talked to Baba and Ota in Japanese. Again with the language barrier...! I could've learned Japanese or something when I was younger but nooo, it just had to be French.
"Guys, that's rude, we have a guest, at least speak English while she's here." Baba said while looked at the man on the sofa and the man over by the window, puffing a cigarette. They replied in Japanese.
"Anyway, we haven't properly introduced you. This is Olivia. Olivia, that mean looking guy is Soryu and that lazy detective over there is Kishi." Ota said and pointed to each one as he introduced them. Wait, that guy's a detective?! What has this world come to...?
"U-um... nice to meet you..." I slipped out an appropriate response. I did not want to get on anyone's bad side here.
"Well, we're going to order room service. You guys want anything?" Baba said cheerfully but only got silence as a response. "Take that as a no then."

After about 2 hours we finished all the food that we ordered. I feel like I got to know those guys a bit better. They're not bad guys it's just... I never thought I would even meet anyone like them.
"You better get to bed. Who knows what Boss has planned for you tomorrow. Baba said and I looked at the time. It was already 12:40.
"Yeah... Um... thank you... for the food." I smiled at them and they smiled back.
"Anything for the pretty lady." Baba tried to kiss my hand for the third time and I slapped his hand away again.
"Still no." I responded by giving him a smirk.
"Only here for a few hours and you're already acting like Boss." Not funny Ota...
"Well, goodnight." They both gave me a 'goodnight' in return and I made my way up to my room.

Wow... so much has happened today... I got ready for bed but I didn't have any pyjamas so I resorted to stripping down to my underwear and keeping my t-shirt on in case any of them tried something... especially Baba... I climbed into the big bed which was like a fluffy cloud that in almost no time, I got sucked into the darkness.

To be continued...

Hi! I hope you guys like this chapter! It's not really great but it's just a build-up chapter so hopefully the next few will be better! 😃

Bye for now! 👋

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