New Life - Chapter 14

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I woke up to small rays of sunshine streaming in through the curtains. I was about to stretch my arms wide but noticed I was constricted. I looked over to see Eisuke by my side, his arms wrapped firmly around my body. Hehe... what am I? His new body pillow? I turned my body around to face him. But it's nice to know I'll get to see this face everyday... I thought to myself.
I carefully reached a hand up to his face and stroked his cheek. Luckily, it didn't look like he would wake up. I examined every detail of his face while I had the chance. I knew I, most likely, wouldn't be able to do that a lot once we got to Tokyo. I ran my thumb across his cheek and could honestly say his skin was better than mine... His eyelashes are so long... I marvelled at all of his handsome features and couldn't help but think how lucky I was to have him - THE Eisuke Ichnomiya - love me. It's almost as if this whole thing was a dream. If it is a dream, I don't want to go back to reality...I brushed a stray hair from his face, wanting to memorise all of his features.
But, he suddenly woke up and before I could react he rolled me over so I was lying on my back, eyes looking up at him.
"Eisuke! Seriously, don't do that...!" I hit his chest playfully along with a giggle escaping from my lips. I didn't mean what I said after all. It's just that, so far, he's the one who's always catching me off guard.
"Hm...? Isn't this what you wanted?" He face came closer to mine and I had nowhere to run to as he had pinned my arms down onto the bed. "Touching me like that so early in the morning... Tsk, tsk... naughty girl."
"What?! I wasn't doing anything dirty!" He always finds a loop hole in everything...
"I don't know... That seemed like an invitation to me." Eisuke's usual sly smirk played upon his lips.
"Hey! We have to get ready to leave, remember?" I tried desperately to carnage the subject but as his grin grew larger I knew there was nothing I could say that would make him stop.

As Eisuke delayed getting out of bed until 1:30pm, I made a light meal since we would be leaving soon. He said we could leave at any time on his jet.
Eisuke was still in a shower as I was getting ready to plate up the food. But, just as I was laying the plates down onto the table, he emerged from the bathroom in nothing but a towel. For a few seconds I didn't know how to react. I just stood with my mouth hanging open in shock. Of course I should've been used to it but...
"Eisuke!!" After recollecting my train of thought, I frantically covered my eyes and turned around. "Put some clothes on!"
"What? Are you embarrassed?" I could tell his - almost evil - grin was forming on his face. But I felt, at his words, my face turn red. I walked into the kitchen to try and distract myself but it was no use as he was slowly following me. "Hm?"
"N-no... Why would I be embarrassed?" I knew my lie wasn't convincing. And without saying anything he wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Eisuke... c'mon, haven't you had enough...?"
"Oh ho, is that a challenge?" His arms around my waist tightened their hold. There was no escape in sight.
"Eisuke... please... I'm already tired from this morning..." I pleaded as best I could and was just waiting for his response.
"Hmmm... I'll let you off today." And with that he removed his arms from my waist and proceeded to the bedroom. I was a little surprised that he didn't take it further. Wow... Was all I could think because of my amazement. But, at the same time, I felt a little empty without his warmth surrounding me. I brushed off the thought and finished plating up breakfast - or, more appropriately, lunch.

"Don't bother taking anything." Eisuke said as he waited by the door.
"What? But I already packed a bag." I looked back at the small suitcase I had packed with things I thought I would need. I mean, I only packed the essentials...
"I can buy you everything you need when we land." Wait, seriously?
"But..." He isn't going to buy me everything, is he?
"Just leave the bag and let's go." I was hesitant to leave all of my things behind, everything I had worked so hard for but... this was the start of a new life and I had to let go.
"...Okay." As soon as the word left my mouth Eisuke walked out of the apartment and made his way down to the entrance. "Wha? Wait for me!" I grabbed my handbag with my phone and other things in it and rushed out of the door in my attempt to catch up with the speed walking Eisuke.
Once I hopped into the car and sat alongside Eisuke, we began our journey to the airport.

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