G-girlfriend?! - Chapter 2

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"I bought you, therefore you belong to me. Remember that." Eisuke said as he pinned my hands to the panoramic glass window which I couldn't escape from.
"O-okay..." I looked into his eyes. I hadn't noticed how beautiful his eyes were with that pale yellow colour. Neither of us looked away and I could feel my cheeks turn red from his intense gaze.
"Olivia... you're even more beautiful than the view behind you... I can't seem to focus on anything else but you..." What?! Did THE Eisuke Ichinomiya just say that to me?!
"Olivia..." He leaned down, getting closer and closer to my lips. And just before his lips reached mine...

"Woah...!" I bolted upright in the unfamiliar bed. It was a dream... It was just a dream... I glanced to the bed side table and grabbed my phone. It's 9:30... I should probably get up. I fling myself out of bed and right as I stood up there was click, indicating that someone had opened the door. I turned around to see Mr. Ichinomiya standing there, holding the door open.
I turned to look at him while he stood there staring at me. Is there something on my face...? I then looked down at myself to realise I was still in my underwear.
"Ah...!" I jumped back into the bed and covered myself in the sheets to cover my almost naked body. It's probably too late, he already got an eyeful...
"I'm not interested in your body." Wow, that was mean... I mean, of course I don't care what he said it's just... that was uncalled for...
"Here, put this on." He put a box down on the edge of the bed while I was still clinging to the sheets.
"W-what is it...?" He glared at me and then I remembered I'm only supposed to reply with 'yes' or 'okay'. "O-oh... okay..."
"Better. You have 5 minutes."
"Wha-" He closed the door before I could even protest at how little time that was.
When I figured it was safe to get out of the bed, I went over to the box and opened the top. It revealed a gorgeous maxi dress. It was a mint turquoise colour, it had a gold belt around the waist and a slit going up to the lower thigh. Woah... I don't usually wear these kinds of dresses. In fact, I rarely even wear dresses because most of the time I have to go from one place to the other with my job. I just usually end up wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Not very sexy, I know... But hey, I don't have the time or the money to wear something like this everyday. I looked into the box where there were also accessories, including a cute, gold clutch bag and gold wedges. Oh, how the rich live...
I realised with all of my daydreaming I only had 2 minutes left. Crap...! I quickly took everything into the bathroom so I could freshen up a little. How does he expect me to get ready in 5 minutes?! God, is he this mean to his girlfriend...? If he is, then I feel for her, being bossed around by that jerk.

I managed to get dressed and put a little bit of make-up on so I don't look like death just came knocking at my door. I go down the stairs to the lounge and see everyone is there.
"Wow...! Olivia, you look beautiful." Baba extended a hand to me as I neared the bottom of the staircase. He tried to kiss my hand again but I swatted it away.
"Ah-ah-ah..." I said while wagging my finger at him.
"Well, worth a try." He faked a sad face but immediately perked up as we both went over to where everyone else was.
"Baba just got rejected again." Ota laughed at Baba's expense.
Thankfully, they're all speaking English.
"Can we start the auctions meeting now?" The man named Soryu said with his usual expressionless face. All of these guys have really different personalities... Well, Mr. Ichinomiya's just plain mean.
"We're not here to talk about the auctions." What? I looked around and everyone had confused looks on their faces. "I've decided how I'm going to use this woman." Suddenly, they all understood the situation and looked to Mr. Ichinomiya for an answer.
Oh, God... please don't let it be anything too bad... My heart was pounding. I didn't know what to expect, with Mr. Ichinomiya, it could be literally anything... Everyone waited with anticipation for his answer, and when it did come. Everybody had a shocked look on their faces.
"She's going to be my girlfriend." He smirked and looked over at me to see my reaction. WHAT?! I was speechless. I was sure I had my mouth hanging wide open from the shock. Everything was silent for a moment as I think everyone was processing what he had just said.
"Are you sure about that Boss?" Baba broke the silence and asked. I was hoping he would respond with 'of course not, that was just a joke' but unfortunately, life does not work like that.
"Yeah." Why does life do this to me...? Mr. Ichinomiya continued to smirk as I thought about everything in my life that has led me to this moment.
"Wow, so Boss likes Olivia huh?" Baba, please... shut up.
"Wait a-" I then realised I was speaking and Mr. Ichinomiya cast a very unpleasant glare my way.
"What is it? Speak up." Mr. Ichinomiya said and I was frozen to the spot by his sudden change in attitude.
"U-um... is this really a good idea...?" I asked hesitantly.
"What do you mean?" He had a confused look on his face, he must not know what I meant by that question.
"I mean... don't you already have a girlfriend...?" I looked at him, praying to God that he already had a girlfriend so I wouldn't have to be.
"I don't have relationships with women." Uh... then why am I being forced to be your girlfriend? I am, of course, a woman.
"Do I have a say in this?" I decided to ask, just in case, but I figured the answer would be-
"No." Of course. There's that mean Mr. Ichinomiya I was talking about.
"Wait, so Mr. Ichinomiya, wha-"
"Eisuke." He said.
"Huh?" I was confused by him suddenly interrupting me.
"Call me Eisuke. It would be weird if my own girlfriend called me Mr. Ichinomiya." True, but I never actually agreed to that...
"U-um... Eisuke... what about my job a-and my luggage...? My stuff is still at the hotel I'm staying at..." The he just got up and pulled out his phone. Dammit, he started talking in Japanese...
After he hung up a few minutes - more like a few seconds - later, a man in a suit entered the lounge.
"Hello, what can I do for you sir?" English! Yes...! He's very polite... I guess you'd have to be if Mr. Ich- I mean, Eiuke, was your boss.
"I'll be taking this woman down to the boutiques to do some shopping." He said very matter-of-factly.
"Of course sir. It will be ready in 5 minutes." He bowed and then proceeded to leave the room. Eisuke didn't even say thank you did he...? Seems like that guy has a tough job...
"Come on." Eisuke got up and made his way over to the door. I'm guessing he means me... I quickly got up from the sofa and jogged over to him.
"Good luck Olivia!" Ota shouted from inside the lounge. Good luck...? Is this really that bad...? What have I gotten myself into...?

To be continued...

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! It may be bad but... eh. I'll hopefully be able to get another chapter up this weekend! 😊 Maybe more, I don't know yet! 🙈

Bye for now! 👋

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