Mixed Feelings - Chapter 9

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I could feel his face coming closer and I turned my head as far as I could but it was no use as he had me pinned down, unable to move. His hot breath was on my ear which caused my heart to go crazy. S-Stop...!
"Heh..." I heard a little laugh above me as I then felt the weight that was once pinning me down suddenly disappear. I hesitantly opened my eyes to see Eisuke next to the couch, standing over me. I could tell by the look on his face that he was trying his best not to burst out laughing. I looked at him with a confused face, unsure of what was happening.
"You should go to bed." His facial expression suddenly changed when he said that.
"U-Uh..." Was the only thing I could mutter before he walked towards his bedroom door and closed it behind him. ...what was that? I lay on the couch for a few minutes, going through the whole scene in my mind. And what did Baba come up here for anyway? All sorts of questions with no answers whirled around in my mind. I sat up on the couch but couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened. I held my head in my hands from the frustration I was feeling. My life was so peaceful up until now... I straightened up, took a deep breath and decided not to worry about it. I pushed myself up from the couch and slowly made my way to my bedroom.
When I entered the room I didn't even bother taking off my clothes and just flopped down onto the bed. For a few minutes I just stared up at the ceiling, just basking in the calm atmosphere of the room. Without realising how tired I was, I was quick to drift off to sleep.

The next morning...

As I slowly opened my eyes I was greeted with the shining sunlight peeking through the curtains. I rubbed my eyes before sitting up on the bed. I looked down only to remember that I didn't change my clothes the night before. I sat up on the bed and stretched to get rid of my morning fatigue. I pushed myself up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I was greeted with a horrific sight. My mascara had been smudged all around my eyes, making me look like a panda. I washed my face the best I could but ultimately decided to take a shower instead. I didn't bother being neat and just threw my clothes into the corner of the room, telling myself I'd get them later. I stepped into the shower and rinsed away all of the worries I'd had to deal with. The warm water created a calming atmosphere that made me forget where I was and the whole situation that I was in. I started singing as the water ran down my body. It was a habit of mine to always sing in the shower. Sometimes I wouldn't even know u was doing it, I just enjoyed it. I then remembered how I woke up. He didn't come into my room... I found it a bit strange considering he came into my room all the other mornings. I knew that I shouldn't really question and just be thankful that I could actually sleep in without worry, but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it. I cut my shower time short, quickly washing my hair and body before stepping out and wrapping myself in a towel. I brushed my teeth and towel dried my hair a little then stepped back into the bedroom. I didn't even bother drying my hair fully and just put on some comfy clothes, hoping I wouldn't have to go anywhere today. After that, I went out into the living room only to be greeted by silence.
"Huh..." I spoke out loud knowing that no one was there. Thinking he might be in his office I walked over to the door and knocked. I waited a few minutes but no response. Finding out that I was alone in the penthouse of Tres Spades, a smile spread out across my lips. "Woo!" I screamed out before jumping over to the couch and letting myself fall back onto the soft cushions. The whole time I had been there I didn't get one moments peace by myself. Thinking of something, I decided since I was alone for the first time in a while I would listen to my music freely, without having to worry about what other people think about it. I got my phone and turned it up full volume while playing 'I Like It Loud' By Cash Cash. I started to relax being in that kind of environment. For one thing, I didn't have to worry about getting in Eisuke's way. I danced around the suite, basking in the small sense of freedom I felt. I knew that Eisuke would come back eventually but until then I thought I should enjoy myself. When the song came to the chorus a voice called out from across the room.
"So you like it loud? I could make you scream very loud if you like." I turned around at the sudden words and saw Baba standing by the doorway. I hurriedly turned off the music and sat down on the couch even though I knew he had already seen me dancing around like an idiot.
"I-If you're looking f-for Eisuke, he's not here..." I stuttered a bit, embarrassed that he had just seen what I had done, and in pretty much the most unflattering clothes I own. Not to mention my hair was a mess, probably more so from the dancing.
"I'm not here to see Eisuke. I just wanted to see how to lady was doing, but I can see you were having a little party up here. Am I invited?" With that comment, he came closer to where I was sitting.
"Can you please just forget you saw that...?" I hid my face with one of the cushions on the couch so I didn't notice when he walked over and stood right in front of me.
"Why? It's not everyday I get to see a beautiful women dance for me." I couldn't stop my cheeks from turning even more red than what they already were. I continued to push my face into the cushion so that he wouldn't see my face. "Hey, can't I see your pretty face?" I shook my head, only answering with head movements and nothing else. "Well, I guess I'll be going then." I could hear his footsteps fade into the distance before hearing a slamming of the door. After I heard that, I cautiously removed my head from the cushion and looked in the direction of the door. All of sudden, the cushion I was holding was swiped from my hands and I was pushed back onto the couch before being tickled mercilessly. I could see Baba's face above me but couldn't do anything to stop him as I was laughing too much.
"P-lease...! S-stop!" I was always weak to tickling. I could barely breath before, finally, he stopped. I was able to catch my breath but before I could hide my face or run away, Baba pinned my hands to the couch. I knew that my face was probably as red as a tomato but I couldn't do anything about it.
"There's that beautiful face." I instantly blushed at his words. How can he say things like that so easily...?
"Baba, can you... get off... please?" I looked up at his profile while I said this.
"Promise you won't hide or run away?" With a smile on his face, he raised his eyebrow to question me. Why does it matter if I try to hide from him?
"...Fine. I promise." I replied with utter conviction as I tried to regain my composure.
"Okay." He slowly let go of my wrists and climbed off of me to sit at the end of the couch. I did the same but kept a slight distance between us. The atmosphere was still a little awkward and neither of us looked at each other for at least a few minutes.
"Again, why are you here?" Not wanting to sit in silence for any longer I broke the silence with a question. As soon as I spoke he immediately relaxed and sat back onto the couch.
"I told you, I came to see that pretty face of yours." He reached out to touch my face with his hand but I instinctively moved away. I was still conscious of the awkwardness after what had just happened. I could see he was visually hurt by this and I kind of regretted it but I didn't want him to think he could just do anything with me whenever he wanted.
"Seriously, Baba, stop trying to be funny and just tell me why you're here." I was getting a little annoyed at his attitude. It was like he never took anything seriously for even a second.
"Well... I wasn't trying to be funny." I lifted my face to see a serious expression. I was a little taken aback at first because I hadn't seen that kind of expression on his face the whole time I had been there. "One of the reasons I'm here is, well... I was going to ask you on a date." My eyes widened at the sudden use of the word. D-date...? I was left speechless for a few moments as I had to sort out my thoughts.
"O-oh..." Was all I could muster up before sitting up straight and staring at the floor. I felt movement beside me but I didn't dare lift my head to see what Baba was doing. I felt a hand come onto my cheek and it lifted my face to meet Baba's eyes.
"Will you accept?" He asked with his voice full of conviction. I didn't know how to respond because I knew I couldn't just accept anything without Eisuke's permission anymore. At that moment his face leaned in closer and I didn't know what to do. I panicked inside and immediately stood up and walked over to the window.
"I-I'm sure there's a lot of other g-girls you could go on a date with...!" I blurted out before I knew what I was doing. I regretted saying it after I did. I really didn't want to go on a date with him, I just didn't want to hurt his feelings.
"None of those girls are you, Olivia." I turned around to say something to him only to find that he was standing right in front of me. I took a small step back to create some distance between us. He picked up one of my hands and brought his lips to the back of it which caused my heart to do backflips. "Please?" He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes and it caused my heart to melt from the cuteness. A million thoughts whirled around in my head, most of them being 'what should I say?' or 'say something!'
"I-I... um-" Before I could say anything more I was cut off by a deep voice.
"Baba, what are you doing here?" Baba and I both turned to see the owner of the voice was Eisuke. Baba let go of my hand and walked casually over to the doorway, where Eisuke was standing.
"Oh, nothing. Just thought I'd keep Olivia company while you where gone, is all." He said with his trademark smile plastered on his face. He winked at me before walking out of the suite and closing the door behind him. I was still in a daze after that until Eisuke broke my train of thoughts.
"Hey." He still stood in the doorway as he said that.
"Y-Yes?" There were two reasons why I stuttered, number one being because of Baba and number two was because I was nervous about what Eisuke was going to say.
"What were you two doing?" He asked and moved closer to me, slowly.
"U-Uh, n-nothing..." I awkwardly replied and backed up against the window as I could see he was getting closer.
"Mhmm..." Was his only response before he completely closed in on me and trapped me between the glass window and his arms. I tried to remain calm even though I was sure he could hear my pounding heart. It seems I've been in this positions way too much since I've been here...
"S-Seriously... N-Nothing happened...!" I tried to get him to believe me but he just stared at me with an expressionless face, saying nothing. I decided to give up and just drop my head, so j was staring at both our feet. He finally broke the silence after a few more silent seconds.
"You do realise you belong to me, right?" Huh? I looked up to meet his gaze to see him already looking at me. "You belong to me, and only me." What he said to me sounded like something you heard in a movie, when the hero confesses his feelings to the heroine. Before I knew what was happening, his lips were pressed against mine.
It wasn't like the other kiss we had before that was forced and rough. This one was gentle and soft. His lips fit perfectly with mine. I could help but give into the kiss, and when it happened I knew this was what I wanted. This was what I was waiting for. I didn't know how long we kissed for but it felt like an eternity. When he pulled away, I felt an emptiness inside me. I needed his warmth. I wanted it. I didn't even know why he kissed me. Does he feel the same way...? I was hoping it would be true but...
"Go home." After he said that he turned around and walked off to his bedroom. I stood there speechless as I watched him walk off, probably out of my life forever. But...

To be continued...

YAY!! I finally finished this chapter! I'm so sorry it took so long but I was really stuck on what to write for this chapter for a while and then it all just hit me all at once and I wrote it all down. xD
But anyway, yes, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I promise I'll get started on the next chapter as soon as I can! ^.^
I want to thank you all for the reads and votes and for supporting this story. =^.^=
I seriously didn't think I would get many reads when I first started writing this.
I love you guys SO much!!! ♡♡♡♡♡

Bye for now! 👋

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