The Kidnapping - Chapter 7

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I felt something warm on my lips and realised that Eisuke had yanked me by the arm and kissed me. W-What?! I was absolutely stunned by the sudden turn of events. W-What do I do?! So many thoughts were whirling around in my head but all of that went out the window when I remembered the situation I was in. Carolina was standing right there watching us. If I were to panic and pull away all of the pretending and the lies will have been for nothing. No matter how I was feeling on the inside I had to remain calm and collected on the outside. If I do something to mess this whole plan up I'm as good as dead. Eisuke held the back of my head as my lips were trapped in his. There was nothing I could do. A few seconds later I was released from Eisuke's lips. It felt like an eternity. I was internally screaming but on the outside I just put on the biggest smile I could muster at that time. Eisuke then returned his arm around my waist and turned to Carolina.
"Is that proof enough for you?" He had his usual smirk on his face, meanwhile I was still trying to calm my racing heart.
"Hmph! Eisuke you would be better off with me!" Carolina didn't take the bait and started to protest against our 'relationship'. Eisuke seemed to be fed up and rolled his eyes, knowing she wouldn't see as she spouted off about this and that. While she was still talking Eisuke couldn't take anymore and turned towards the elevator to the penthouse. We got halfway up the stairs as we heard Carolina shout out from behind us.
"Wait Eisuke...! Where are you going?!" Eisuke didn't respond and instead, keeping his back to her, waved his hand.
When the elevator door closed and there were no eyes on us I quickly pushed away from him, getting as far away as I could from him. Neither of us said anything for the whole ride and I was thankful when we reached the penthouse as I didn't want to be stuck in that awkward silence any longer. Eisuke didn't even say anything as he just went to his suite. He didn't even acknowledge any of the other guys who were in the lounge. I didn't want to be alone with him in his suite so I stayed in the lounge.
"Hey Olivia! Come sit with us." Baba called out to me as I stood at the door leading into the lounge. I did as he said and walked over to the couch and sat between Baba and Ota as they were playing, what looked like, poker.
"You wanna play?" Ota asked me as he got a little closer to me.
"Uh... no, I'm fine, I don't even know how to play." I politely declined as I didn't want to embarrass myself more than I already have in front of them.
"Oh, come on! It's easy! Here, I'll show you." Baba took some cards and dealt them out. I just watched as I didn't know how to start the game or what to do. Baba talked me through the whole game and even though I didn't win I had fun. I could forget the whole situation I was in for a few hours and just relax.

4 hours later...

"Wow...! I won!" We had been playing poker for a while and I finally had my first win. While we were playing Ota ordered some champagne and when that bottle was done he ordered more, and more, and more. By the time I realised, there was already 7 empty champagne bottles on the table. At that point I was drunk and mostly unaware of my actions.
"Nice! Hey Olivia, are you okay?" My eyes were starting to feel heavy as Baba asked me that question but I tried my best to keep myself awake. I don't want to go to bed...
"Well I'm gonna go to bed. I've got somewhere to be in the morning." Ota stood up from the couch and let out a huge yawn while he stretched. "Goodnight Olivia. See you Baba." He gave us a little wave and I gave one back but I didn't have much energy so it wasn't much if a wave. It was just me and Baba left in the lounge and for a while it was quiet, but it wasn't awkward.
"You should probably go to-" Baba started to say but before he could finish my head had already fallen onto his shoulder and I was asleep.

Baba's POV

I was about to tell Olivia to go to bed before Boss got mad but before I could say that, she fell asleep on my shoulder. Dammit Olvia... don't make this more difficult for me... I looked at her face. Her hair was a little messy and her dress was wrinkled but her face was adorable while she was sleeping. Why did it have to be Eisuke...? I didn't make any effort to move her even though I was at the risk of Eisuke's wrath.
I watched her sleeping for I don't know how long until I checked the time and it was already 3:30am. I should probably take her upstairs... I didn't want to move her in case I woke her up but I couldn't let her sleep there all night, even though my heart was telling me to leave her there, snuggling against me. It may just be because she's drunk but... I want to remember this moment. I might not get another one.
I lifted her head as I sat up and put it down gently onto the couch before I scooped her up in my arms to take her to bed. She looks so cute right now... I walked up the stairs carefully and made my way to Eisuke's suite. I quietly opened the door, still holding Olivia and luckily Eisuke wasn't in his living room. I tip-toed to Olivia's room, assuming Eisuke was in his office and I didn't want him to see me. I walked into her room and placed her gently down onto the bed. She still had her shoes on so I took them off her feet and sat them beside the bed. I pulled the blanket sitting at the end of the bed over her. I then sat down next to her, watching her as she breathed quietly.
"Why did you make me feel like this...?" I didn't regret falling for her. And I know I haven't even known her for that long but... she's different from any other girl I've met. "If only you had picked me... you wouldn't be in this situation..." It was difficult to watch her like that. Eisuke doesn't treat her like she should be.
I kissed her forehead and she moved a little in her sleep. Before she woke up I exited her room and made my way to leave the suite. I was walking through the dark living room making my way to the door, being a thief I was pretty sneaky. It was then that the lights came on.
"What are you doing?" I turned around to see Eisuke sitting on the couch with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.
"Hey Boss!" I tried to calm the tension in the room but he didn't buy it.
"What are you doing in my suite Baba? And at almost 4am." His eyebrows furrowed together even more.
"Nothing, I was just helping Olivia into bed." I made it sound as if there was nothing more to it than that but I knew in my heart there was definitely more. "Well, I'll se you later Boss." I quickly made my way out of the suite so he couldn't ask anymore questions. Phew... God, he can always see right through people...
I walked to my room and that whole night I did nothing but think of Olivia.

Olivia's POV

I opened my eyes as I was greeted with the morning light shining through the gap in the curtains.
"Ugghh..." My head was thumping and my body felt like lead. I didn't feel like getting out of bed but at the same time I felt like I was going to throw up. I rolled over in the big bed and ended up rolling off the bed and onto the floor. "Oww..." The cold floor made me wake up a bit and I managed to pull myself up from the floor and walk to the bathroom.
I stood in front of the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. My make-up was smudged and my hair was a riot, on top of that, I was still wearing the dress from yesterday. I turned on the tap and splashed some water onto my face but that just made my make-up worse as it was now running down my face.
"I'll just take a shower..." I took my clothes off and stepped into the cubical, looking forward to a nice, warm shower.

After about 15 minutes I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body while I was using another one to dry my hair. I was still feeling groggy as I glanced at the clock and realised it was already close to 12pm. Wow... what time did I go to sleep last night...?
"Wait a minute, how did I get to bed? I fell asleep on the couch, didn't I?" As I pondered over that question for a few seconds I decided not to worry about it as I continued to get dressed for the day.
I picked out something simple from my own luggage since I didn't have anything special to do. I put on some faded jeans and a grey sweater. I then put on some of my favourite black converse, then walked out of the room.
I walked out to the living room but Eisuke wasn't there so I just decided to go down to the lounge. When I walked down the stairs I noticed Eisuke and Soryu discussing something. I didn't want to interrupt so I made my way out of the penthouse lounge and towards the elevator. I think I'll just go out for a walk, to kind of, clear my head. Once the elevator reached the lobby I stepped out and walked to the front doors. There wasn't many people in the lobby which wasn't surprising, considering it was a Sunday.
I opened the doors to the outside and I instantly felt the cool air hit my face. My hangover felt much better after feeling the fresh air. I walked through the streets of Tokyo, still busy with people commuting. As I walked I looked at all the window displays. All these shops look amazing... I went into some of the stores to look around. None of them were like the stores in the UK. I felt like I could walk around in them for hours and not get bored, which was funny because I usually hated shopping.
I walked for a while and decided to go to a little park I spotted. There wasn't many people there which made it peaceful. The trees there covered the path with a beautiful mixture of colours from green to orange. I felt relaxed as I walked through the leave covered path, forgetting about the chaos in my life for a while. All of a sudden something was covering my mouth. I struggled against the person who was holding the cloth to my mouth from behind me. My strength started to decrease as I could feel my vision start to go blurry. I did everything I could to stay awake but it was no use as I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.
"Eisuke..." That was all I could mumble before I was sucked into the darkness.

To be continued...

Hii! ^.^ I hope you enjoyed this chapter! In my opinion it's really bad but I hope you enjoyed Baba's POV. I have the plot thought out in my head but it's not concrete until I write it.
Anyway, thank you for over 500 views!! 🙈💖
Hope you have a good day/night!

Bye for now! 👋

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