7.1 Replaceable?

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This is the new one shot that I was talking about on my board. This is first part of this story, I'll be almost done with my second part when I post this one  part, so I'll post second part of this sooner than second part of tired story.

This is just my imagination, of course. This idea came in my mind when one day I was overthinkinh on how people treat Virat as if he can be easily replaced and all so well I wrote this hehe. It was hard ti make it non cringy or non boring. I've tried my best tho.

Also, this is more revolving around Virat and a few ICT members and some Mahirat, too.

Before we start lemme say something for me Siraj, Rahul, Harry and Surya are favorite people around Virat I feel they treat him right and best even Yuzi and Jassi but those 4 are my top 4, Siraj being most favorite.  That bias will be evident in this chapter, and I hope you understand and not judge too much :)

This is already beyond 5K words long, I'll not make it any longer.

Fonts - Virat, Mahi, Siraj, Yuzi, Harry, Jassi, Surya, Rahul


Third Person POV:

Virat was sitting in his room, on the bed, peacefully minding his own business. He was technically reading new reports of players sponsored through VKF that were sent to him by his team, just to stay in line with how those kids are doing and what more they all can do to help them.

He was engrossed in studying the third kid when he heard the door open. Harry marched inside Virat's room as if it's his own. Virat just looked up once and then went back to reading as he knew that when Harry wanted something urgent, he let's everyone know that he needed something.  Slowly, he heard others follow Harry.

Harry looked around to sit and took the couch in front of Virat, and others started to join them and sit down on the places they found comfortable.  Soon Virat realised they all were looking at him, probably waiting for him to notice them. He chuckled in his head and looked up at them. Harry was sitting on the couch with Yuzi and Jassi; SKY, Rahul, and Miyaan had taken the chairs, and of them were looking at him with shining eyes.

One look in Harry's eyes, and Virat knew something was brewing up, so he asked,

"Wassup? Kya hua? Kuch bolna hain?"

To which all of them nodded no.

"Toh? Kuch khelna hain?" 

He asked suspiciously, to which all of them nodded yes.

Harry and Yuzi were more excited, and that concerned him, because these two come up with randomest things or dares or bets ever.

"Acha okay bolo kya khelna hain?" I asked them.

They all looked at each other, signing something, trying to probably nudge each other 'you speak' just how he, jinks, jaddu and ro used to do in front of their Mahi bhai... When his name popped up in Virat's mind, he realised how much he missed his bhai. To stay in present he started looking, around waiting for someone to say something.

"Umm ok bhai, hum logo mein behes hui abhi thode time pehle okay?" Jassi spoke. Okay them bickering is not new so I just replied the same.

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