6.3 Family

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I've added about those 3 final gifts I mentioned in the previous chapter just because I wanted to, and I love the concept of Dhoni Kohli family being together (if it's not obvious yet)

Also, listen... this is not the last oart AGAIN... IM SORRY OKAY 🫠🥲😅 I initially decided to post this along with its next part but I'm very excited for yall to read this part so.... here it is-

I'm genuinely sorry I keep dragging this story its just finishing it off in rush doesn't feel right to me 
:( I hope you understand and you enjoy this

Fonts- Virat, MSD, Anushka, Sakshi, Vamika, Ziva


While Virat passed his time on the phone, on the other side-

Anushka's POV:

I woke up at some time in the night to check up on Vami. She is still a child, and sometimes, at night, we need to check on her. Usually, I sleep early, so waking up at night is not a big deal for me since I already get some sleep. Even though we slept late, I woke up around the usual time. But since we slept late this time, everything was fine with Vami as she just fell asleep. So, instead, i decided to drink some water and sleep, but I couldn't find the water bottle, I think it was on Sakshi's side of the bed. Not wanting to wake the Trio, I opened the door slightly and went down in the kitchen.

As I was filling my glass of water, I heard bhai scream softly, "VIRAT."

I froze, and for the quick moment, the worst-case scenario popped into my head. Is Virat safe?? Was the first question that came into my head. I rushed out of the kitchen to see Virat sprinting towards bhai's room. That's when I remembered they both went in different rooms when I saw them. I rushed towards that room to peak. The scene I saw was something that sent chills into my spine.

Bhai was having a nightmare! And it was definitely related to Virat. I heard him softly reassure bhai. Everything happening since the morning suddenly started making sense. Then I remembered Virat's words, "3 months Anu! 3 fuvking months! I could've helped him. "

I could feel myself stumble on my feet. This was just... there were no words or thoughts that I could think of to wrap my head around all of this! I took deep breaths to avoid hyperventilating and went back to Bhabhi and bhai's room upstairs. I took my phone, deciding if bhai was stubborn and thought he could get away with being careless of his own health, I'm his sister, after all. I'm more stubborn, I'll not let bhai or Virat be in any kinda situation where they feel conflicted and where they have to choose between bhai's health or anything else. Once I was done with my phone's work, I placed it somewhere on some table and went back to sleep, determined that no matter what, I and Virat would help bhai. Let this birthday end, tomorrow we will start the topic when kids are playing.

Third Person POV:

For MS in his guest room, just as expected by Virat, he did feel asleep for 2 hours at least. When Mahi's sleep got interrupted, he woke up and looked at Virat, who was sleeping soundly beside him. He realised that Virat really knew better when it came to handling his nightmares. Well, it makes sense because Mahi knew how to handle Virat's nightmares better than Virat. Smiling at his kid, he continued his routine that morning as well. Just the difference was the absence of Ziva, who was sleeping with Sakshi since she had a holiday.

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