6.4 Healing.

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I hope you enjoy this!

Before we start, this one will get a bit intense. And I'm no therapist, I'm actually professionally a pharmacist 🤣 anything I'll be writing here won't be all psychologically or practically right, so just bear with it.

This is longgggg around 7.7K chapter I hope you don't get bored  yeahh and do let me know what you think about the chapter through your lovely comments  they mean everything to me! :)

Font- MSD, Virat, Sakshi, Anushka, Virat's Therapist, MSD'S therapist, Virat's old therapist


Virat's POV:

It's been an hour since Anu went in the guest room to convince bhai!! I really REALLY wanted to eavesdrop , Anu even left the door open, so it would've been an easy way to listen to them talk! But I didn't. I'm mature now, and eavesdropping is for kids, so I didn't do that. Okay that was a lie I didn't eavesdrop because I know how hard it is for bhai to open up so if bhai did talk with Anu, last thing i ever wanna do is make him feel uncomfortable in anyways. Plus, bhabhi was giving me a strict look... okay, I get why bhai is afraid of bhabhi's glares.

After an hour, Anu stepped out of the room, looking all sad. She looked at me and gave me a defeated look. To say it shocked me would be a lie. Anu ran into my guest room, and before I could react, Bhabhi ran behind Anu. Soon after, Mahi bhai stepped out of the room and went straight up in the garden. Lack of expressions on bhai's face made me question both of their reactions, but I decided not to think more on this as I followed bhai. Once I reached the garden I saw bhai standing in one place, I quickly ran up to him and stood behind him.

"Bhai! Kya hua?? Aap naraz ho kya??? Kuch bolo na! What happened??" I enquired. I was about to continue, but then I followed bhai's gaze when I felt him shake.

Bhai was looking at the window of my guest room, where Anushka was standing facing at us, and bhabhi stood behind her just how I stood behind bhai. When I went in front of bhai, I found him hiding his giggles. I looked back at Anushka, who was doing the same. Looking at me, bhabhi also went and looked at Anushka questioningly. That's when both of them burst out laughing.

"I told you, bhai! Didn't I??" Anushka shouted out while still laughing, and bhai replied, "You did! You did."

Oh, so these two pranked us? Okay, two can play the game. I looked at bhabhi, who understood what I was thinking and gave me a 'Let's show them' look.


In the room, before we stepped out, we made a plan. "Let's go out and pretend that your talking didn't work!" I had suggested, to which Anushka excitedly agreed.

"You go in the garden and stand where I  can look  at you from my guest room, and I'll go in the guest room!!!" Anushka further suggested. I quickly agreed to her plan. Before we executed the plan, she said, "I bet bhabhi will follow me, and Virat will follow you! Wanna test??"

Even though I knew she was right, I agreed, knowing that this was fun! I said "lights camera action," and she stepped out of the room. After counting till 15, I stepped out of the room, too, and as we expected, Sakshi followed Anu, and Virat followed me. So when both of them started fussing over us, we couldn't help but start laughing at how predictable these two are. In our laughs, we didn't see what their reactions were initially.

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