Chapter 3- Digital World

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  "We're in Seraphimon's castle!"

  Each one of the chosen all had different reactions to them yelling out what is obviously a digimon's name. And based on the size of the castle it seems to be a powerful digimon. Some continued to show shock,which seems to be a regular reaction since boarding the Trailmon. Others were in awe at the castle and finally one who seemed surprised but excited at the familiar name.

  Everyone was now looking around, not really paying attention to their surroundings and so missing some movement going on behind them. It is easier due to everyone now facing the same direction. Three big creatures suddenly appeared out of thin air. Once fully visible they all took a few seconds to look at the children giving hopeful but somber looks.

  One being what looks like a big pure white bunny with three horns on their head and rings around the ear. The other two had full blue body armor and six pairs of wings each, one female and the other male, both had helmets with the female still having her mouth and her long blonde hair free.

  The three newly appeared digimon now decided to let them know they were no longer alone. The male blue body armor decided to step forward, clearing his throat, gaining all of the children's attention.

  "Hello children, thank you for answering our call."

  All 18 children jump at his voice and turn around, all preparing to either run, fight or hide. Only to notice the three digimon, standing in front of what seems to be three giant thrones. The Chosen children seem to calm down once fully seeing the digimon, deeming them to be angel type digimon due to their appearance. With T.K giving a more excited look once again at the familiar name but giving a small confused frown at the pink waistband around the digimons waist.

  On the other hand the warriors paused for a second at seeing them, thinking they were dreaming because the last time they saw these specific digimon they were still in their rookie form.

  "Seraphimon! Ophanimon! Cherubimon!"

  The warriors couldn't help but yell in excitement at seeing the now fully grown digimon. Small smiles could be seen on two of the digimons face, but also knowing that the final one was also smiling but it went away just as quickly as it came.

  "Hello children, it has been quite some time." Seraphimon said, looking at the warriors, with some small glances at the chosen. Ophanimon smiled at them, fully hiding how tired she actually is. With Cherubimon not hiding it at all, with some of the children finally noticing after he glanced at them.

  Tommy looked around for a few seconds and then finally looked back at the three digimon and asked,"Where's Bokomon and Neemon?"

  "Oh yes, let me call them,'He turned a bit to the side to where a door seemed to suddenly appear.' Papamom, Neemon, they're here!"

  The chosen all gave confused and some even did double takes at the digimon at the first name that was said. But was cut off from their thoughts at the opening and closing of the door. And from the door only two digimon come out. First was a small white creature with a pink waistband and the second was a taller yellow bunny-like creature with oversized red pants.



  A round of laughter came from the warriors at the second word that was yelled and due to how happy they are at finally seeing friends that they thought they would never see again. Even Koji.

  During which the chosen all couldn't help but think that only two of them must be digidestined or they were also missing some of their digimon. Meanwhile Izzy has been on his laptop the moment the other children yelled out the three digimon's names. But all he would get was an error on his screen. So both Ken and Yolei decided to try and help.

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