Chapter 2-Digital Gate

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Digital Gate

  "So, "Koichi said as he looked around after walking out of the elevator,"this is the entrance to the digital world.

 "Yeah and it's amazing how good it looks after the battle against Lucemon." Takuya looked in amazement as did the others around the station. Minus Koichi who was still admiring the area.

  Everyone was just wandering around close to the now closed elevator, with nobody noticing it closing and what seemed to be going back up. As Well as not noticing something on the track that seemed to be waiting on them.

  "Of course! It's been many years since you saved the digital world." Hearing a sudden voice caused all of the warriors to jump in fright. So turning around to see who it is they are surprised to see a Trailmon. And not just any Trailmon.


  Everyone runs towards Angler in shock and happiness at seeing an old friend. They all crowd around as best they can without getting on the track to Angler's face. Once again not noticing the elevator coming back down.

  After a few seconds they all calmed down trying to piece together everything that has happened in the past 15 minutes. So Zoe decided to be the one to ask the question on all of their minds, especially at the statement that Angler made about 'years'.

  "Wait, what do you mean by years?"

  "Sorry kiddies but I'm not allowed to say anything about...".Although was cut off by the sound of the elevator opening. Causing the warriors to be shocked while Angler was not. Instead seemed relieved by the distraction and at the people who stepped out.

  The warriors are shocked even more when a group of 12 people jump,fall or calmly walk off the elevator. The first two seemed to be in an argument but stopped when they noticed the other group of people. There is a tense silence between everyone but is interrupted by the yelling of three people. Two from the newly arrived group and one from the smaller group.

  "Who are you?!"

  The question was asked by the acting leaders of each of the digidestined groups. All three stared at each other due to the unison asked question causing another silence between the two groups. Tai decided to be the one to ask the question.

  "So, who are you and why are you down here?" The response given to him by the other shocked him.

  "Awww, I wanted to ask that." Takuya now looked depressed and started pouting. Shocking everybody of the bigger group and annoying his own. Koji, being the closest to him, turned completely to face him and yelled," Really! That's your response to that."

  "Well would you have said?"

  Before any retort can be said any talk or thought was cut off by a frantic Joe pointing at the big clock in the room.

  "Uh-not to cause panic or anything but according to that clock we only have about a minute left to get on the train."

  A few seconds of silence pass before everyone finally reacts. With half the group screaming,"Go!Go!Go!"

  Everyone runs towards the two open doors and when the final person gets on the doors close. Angler waits a few seconds, making sure that everyone is on and then begins to move. All the while inside everyone is arranging themselves. With one side being the chosen and the other the warriors.

  After everyone is seated with five people from the chosen still standing there is a single thought going through everyone's mind.

  'How do they know about the Digital world?'

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