Chapter 4-Seraphimons castle

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   "What do you mean their back!" Everyone screamed out after their shock wore off.

  Noone could believe it. How can they have come back? And why only two dark masters. And also...

  Who is Lucemon and the Royal Knights/Who are the dark masters?

  Hearing that once thought to be gone enemies are back, all thoughts went back to their final battle with the enemies.

  MetalSeadramon's sea battle and Whalemon's sacrifice,

  Puppetmon and the unexpected battle house.

  Machinedramon at the same time as Kari's sickness.

  And finally Piedmom with his many tricks.

  Then on the other side there was Dynasmon and Crusadermon and the many battles.

  "How is that possible!? If they were reborn they should have been purified and have been good!" Mimi exclaimed, getting nods of agreement from the other chosen.

  "We do not know children. Normally yes, when a digimon is reborn they are born good and with time is when they are corrupted with evil." Ophanimon said, getting up and standing next to Seraphimon and Cherubimon, looking a little bit better than she was before. "And some of the missing digimon have appeared again, but they have what appears to be dark rings."

  All the chosen freeze hearing this while the warriors look on in confusion at them. With all the eyes going to Ken, who looked more like a statue at this point. Face covered in shame and guilt.

  Cherubimon spoke up next."I believe these dark rings are based on the ones used by the Digimon Emperor."

  Even more silence followed with Ken now looking down, holding onto Wormmon tighter.

  "It's ok Ken. All of it is in the past." Digimon said to partner, Ken smiled in gratitude.

  Meanwhile the warriors were nothing if not confused. Which made some of them a little annoyed at the information being said but no explanation. The more being said caused one of the warriors to finally break.

  It was Koji.

  "What exactly are dark rings?! And who's this 'Digimon Emperor'?! It would be helpful if we all knew what was being talked about!"

  "Please." Kouichi added softly, putting a hand on his brother's shoulder hoping to calm him down.

  The chosen and all the digimon couldn't help but flinch at Koji's words, momentarily forgetting they were there. Ken even more because he realized that they would have to tell the new kids about his time as the Digimon Emperor. Which made him more upset.

  "Apologies warriors,"Ophanimon said, slightly raising her hand she closed her fist then opened them again this time revealing a black ring hologram. "Dark rings are basically black rings that when put on any digimon make them go evil. The only way to bring back the digimon is to destroy the rings."

  All the eyes of the warriors open in shock at such a thing existing. Not believing it at first but seeing the faces of all the digimon and the other kids it was no joke. But what kind of person or digimon could make such a thing?

  After a few moments of silence T.K spoke up, deciding to say something to get the focus away from Ken and so focused mainly on Seraphimon without fully looking at him.

  Patamon was on his head.

  "What about the Dark Masters and the others you mentioned?"

  "Yeah, how do you know it's them? And why only two Dark Masters?" Matt added, who, unlike his brother, was fully looking at the three Celestial Digimon.

  "It was Gemnai, one of the final messages we received before that world went dark was that." Cherubimon said. Looking directly at Izzy he continued," But unfortunately half the message was damaged. All we got through it was that they were back. The message itself wasn't that long but we believe there is more important information on it. Can you help us Cho- Izzy."

  Izzy looked at Cherubimon, shocked at how sincere he sounded, so he gave no hesitation in his answer.

  "Of course, I'll do everything I can."

  All three celestials gave Izzy a grateful smile. When Ophanimon lifted her hand and pointed at Izzy's laptop. A small orb of light left her finger and towards the laptop. Once it hits the laptop it glows for a few seconds then a little ding is heard.

  However before he could bring out his laptop he is stopped by Tai.

  "Let us hear everything first before you begin working on it ok."

  He gets a nod of agreement before all eyes are set on the three celestial beings.

  "Thank you, now as stated we know this information due to Gemnai, however due to half the message being as it is we do not know. But..."

  Before Seraphimon can continue he is stopped by Izzy's laptop, which suddenly starts beeping. Shocking everyone, even Izzy. So he sat down while bringing his laptop out, setting it on his lap. All while it still beeps getting louder by the second.

  Ken and Yolei both get a bit closer to Izzy hoping to help in some way. As do everyone else hoping to get some explanation. Kouichi, being the closest to the others, decided to be the one who asked the question that the warriors wanted the answers to. Also because he saw the look his brother had so it's best he asked.

  "Excuse me but why did they entrust the message to him? And who's the Digimon Emperor?"

  Turning to look at who was talking to her Sora saw it was one of the twins, the nice one as she concluded. "It's because he is the smartest one we have. Not including Ken and Yolei that is."

  "Ok,and what about the Digimon Emperor?"

  However before she can answer she is stopped by the beeping. Which keeps getting louder by the second. Some get worried and others are annoyed. Izzy just typing away looking more panicked by the second.


  "What is it, Izzy?" Joe asked, holding onto Gomamon, who also looked worried and glanced at Tentomon who, at this point, was hovering in front of Izzy.

  Finally Davis broke the tense silence due to his impatient nature. "Izzy, what is happ...?" But was cut off by the beeping getting louder. Then suddenly it stopped. But right when it stopped and before Izzy could answer any questions there was an explosion at the doors that they entered.

  Immediately all the partner digimon got in front of their respective partner while taking a fighting stance and the warriors all got out their d-tectors.

  However before anything can be said all three celestial digimon got infront of everyone taking on their fighting stance.

  Seraphimon spoke to the vanishing cloud of smoke,"What do you want?!"

  The smoke disappeared revealing both the Dark Masters and the Royal Knights.

  Much to the hatred, shock, and fearful children and digimon.

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