Chapter 5- Underground

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  Nobody believed it, even if they were seeing it with their own eyes. Enemies thought to be long gone are standing before them. Anger and fear became noticeable on all the faces of both the chosen and warriors. Now after a few moments of getting past previous emotions they all began to move.

  All three leaders yelled at the same time"Everyone ready!"


  However they were interrupted by Seraphimon, who along with Cherubimon and Ophanimon moved a little further forward as if preparing to attack. But they all looked tired, they wouldn't make it. Ophanimon especially.

  "No children you must retreat! You will not win if you fight now!"


  "No!" Cherubimon yelled, cutting Tai off, "You must go!" He then charged alongside Seraphimon, who yelled out to Bokomon.

  "I love you Papamom!"

  Zoe was holding back a struggling Bokomon.

  Ophanimon turned to look at all the children, kneeling to be more on eye level with them.

  "Children, you must go. We can keep them occupied until you all manage to escape. You're our only hope." She then got up and turned around but didn't walk away just yet."You all must trust each other no matter what, as well as any new friends you might meet."

  And with that final statement she charged.

   A crying Bokomon led the children and digimon through a secret tunnel hidden by the thrones, trying to hide the feeling of sadness, even Neemon was silent. After a few minutes of walking they enter a cave with another familiar trailmon.

  "Worm!" All the warriors yelled, happy to see another familiar face. They run a little faster toward their friend. With the chosen trailing behind them, amazed at the sight of Worm. But everyone was taken out of their headspace when Worm began yelling.

  "Hurry up kids, we have to go!"

  They all listened.

  Once everyone was on, Worm began moving. Everyone sitting on opposite sides like they did on Angler, and nothing but the sound of the trailmon can be heard. For a few moments. After a few minutes of silence Izzy takes out his laptop and begins typing, so now the only sounds that can be heard is that of the trailmon and Izzy typing.

  Although the noise of typing was getting on the nerve of many people, with the chosen being used to it the warriors were not. And finally one warrior couldn't take it. It was once again Koji.

  "Can you cut it out for five seconds and tell us what you are mumbling about!"

  Izzy was also mumbling.

  Everyone of the chosen jumped at his yell, while the warriors all laughed in some way at Koji losing his temper. When suddenly Tai began laughing, and was having trouble calming down.

  Everyone was looking at him with questioning looks on why he was laughing. And after wiping some tears away he looked at Koji.

  "I'm sorry, you just remind me of Matt a little from when we were younger."

  All eyes went to Matt, who had a small blush on his face, and some also began laughing at the comparison when they really look between the two.

  "I was not like that." Is what he said before T.K and Sora burst out laughing. His blush got brighter.

  Once everyone stopped laughing the humor that was in the air disappeared when an important question was finally asked by Ken.

  "What are we going to do now?"

  And with that one question made everyone wear grim expressions. They were entering a battle with not much knowledge on what was going on. Only that past evil has managed to come back and that a digital world is gone.

  They all sit in silence listening to the sounds of the trailmon and Izzy who had gone back to typing, no one having the heart to ask him anything yet. Finally Mimi looked at the other group and asked the question that's been on her mind.

  "Um, why do you only have two digimon with you? Are the rest of your digimon partners really in your digivice?"

  The warriors all gave confused looks at the first question, remembering that nothing has really been explained in all this time. And began thinking on how to answer the second one.

  "They do not have digimon partners and we do not fight" Bokomon interrupted, getting shocked gasps from the chosen he then continues," I believe I can explain, but first I am Bokomon, keeper of the book" He takes out a green book from inside his pink waistband.

  "And I am Neemon, keeper of my pants."

  Bokomon then reached out, grabbed Neemons waistband and stretched it out then let go, letting out a loud snap from the impact.


  The chosen sweatdropped.

  The warriors laughed.

  "What are spirits?" Cody suddenly asked, interrupting the laughing warriors causing all eyes toward him. He's standing next to Armadillomon and a sitting Yolei.

  Sora, who sits in between Matt and Kari asked,"Do the spirits have to do with the symbols and digimon that appeared on your digivice?"

  "Actually ours are called D-tectors and yes, the symbols represent our spirits." Zoe answered.

  J.P spoke up next, "And the reason we don't have partners like you is because we don't need them." he finished with a grin so Tommy continued, ignoring the looks of surprise from the chosen and looks of awe from the digimon.

  "We fight ourselves!"

  "You fight yourselves! How!?" Davis yelled out, standing up. Almost hitting Ken and Joe, who both dodged in time hugging their respective partner but accidentally hitting his own.

  "Ow Davis, that hurt!"

  "Oh sorry V-mon." Davis said apologetically, rubbing a hand at the back of his head.

  "But what do you mean you fight yourselves? And what exactly are spirits? And why are there digimon in your D-tectors? And why...?" Izzy would have continued if he had not been cut off by an angry warrior.

  "Could you shut up!"

  And in response to his shout he got many flinches, two glares and one smirk.

  Kouichi once again put his hand on Koji's shoulder ignoring Takuya, who had begun laughing at Koji's outburst, and looked at an upset Izzy.

  "I'm sorry about him. What he meant was can you ask one question at a time. Please."

  He got understanding nods, a few laughs at the difference in personalities in the brothers and one glare.

  After the laughter died down Joe spoke up with a question directed at his digimon.

  "Hey Gomamon, why do you and the others keep looking at the other kids with such admiration?"

  At first surprised at suddenly being asked a question Gomamon jumped off Joe's lap and put himself in the middle of everyone, excited.

  "Because the Legendary Spirits are ancient beings that saved this digital world. And they possess those beings."

  The shocked, surprised and awed looks the chosen were making caused both the digimon and warriors to laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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