Scp 049.

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"All right the file is all ready."

Zero said. Then the screen soon turned to black and after a few seconds white words appeared on the screen.



OPENING FILE SCP-049 The Plague Doctor.

"What's a plague doctor?" Kaminari asked, dumbfounded which made Jiro snicker. "Sometimes I like it when you're clueless" she said while trying to hide her snicker. "A plague doctor is a type of doctor that existed in 17th to 19th century Europe that dealt with the bubonic plague or Black Death. They wore black robes and a mask resembling a beak which stored aromatic items and herbs to keep them safe from the plague." Nezu answered Denki's question.

"Item #: SCP-049

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-049 is contained within a Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Cell in Research Sector-02 at Site-19.

SCP-049 must be sedated before any attempts to transport it. During transport, SCP-049 must be secured within a Class III Humanoid Restriction Harness (including a locking collar and extension restraints) and monitored by no fewer than two armed guards."

"Yeesh, that's a lot for a humanoid." Kosei said. "I wonder what this 'plague doctor' did to be heavily guarded." Ibara said, who's a bit curious. "I mean it's just some dude in robes. What's so dangerous about him?" Sero asked who's not getting the point (you're about to find out soon Sero).

"While SCP-049 is generally cooperative with most Foundation personnel, outbursts or sudden changes in behaviour are to be met with elevated force. Under no circumstances should any personnel come into direct contact with SCP-049 during these outbursts."

"Wonder why?" Asui asked. "I think that's why they tell you not to touch anything 'suspicious'." Denki said sarcastically only to get tongue slapped. "Hey! I didn't even say anything perverted!" Denki said in annoyance, but the frog girl didn't respond which made him a bit more frustrated while it made Habuko giggle.

"In the event SCP-049 becomes aggressive, the application of lavender (L. multifida) has been shown to produce a calming effect on the entity. Once calmed, SCP-049 generally becomes compliant, and will return to containment with little resistance."

"So it calms down to the smell of lavender" Midoriya said but still jotting notes.

"In order to facilitate the ongoing containment of SCP-049, the entity is to be provided with the corpse of a recently deceased animal (typically a bovine or other large mammal) once every two weeks for study."

Everyone was now curious why he needs animal corpses, but they all concluded that it was probably for his experiments.

"Corpses that become instances of SCP-049-2 are to be removed from SCP-049's containment cell and incinerated. SCP-049 is no longer permitted to interact with human subjects, and requests for human subjects are to be denied."

"-2?" asked a confused Kirishima. "Maybe it's some kind of subtype after he does his experiments on the corpses." Iida replied to his red-haired classmate.

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