Scp 5031.

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"Ok it's ready." Zero said as The File finished.



OPENING FILE SCP-5031 Yet Another Murder Monster.

This immediately got everyone especially the Students nervous, Since they don't Like to hear the Things these creatures have done.

"Well, let's just Hope it's not too Gruesome..." Uraraka said, nervous To hear what this Scp has done to earn that name.

"Item #: SCP-5031

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5031 is to be contained in an airtight iron cell in Bio-Site 59. The structure must be inspected for imperfections on a bi-weekly basis. No other interaction necessary.

Description: SCP-5031 is a non-sapient quasi-humanoid creature of unknown origin

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Description: SCP-5031 is a non-sapient quasi-humanoid creature of unknown origin. When directly observed, SCP-5031 will temporarily cease to exist until the viewer stops observing the space that SCP-5031 formerly occupied. Traces of its existence (e.g. scratch marks, blood trails) continue to exist when SCP-5031 does not. Video and photography devices do not capture SCP-5031's appearance; however, observing SCP-5031's shadow does not cause cessation of existence, allowing certain physiological traits to be inferred from its silhouette."

The image showed a shadow of the creature, it had a Abnormally small head with no discernible neck, Elbows branch into three sets of lower arms each, Elongated torso approximately 1.9 meters in length, Pelvis terminates in a crescent-shaped protrusion of osseous tissue with a bladelike lower edge Levitates above the ground at a fixed height of 0.5 meters.

Everyone was Frightened by Anomalies appearance. They were starting to see Why it got that title.

"Geez, that Thing is so Creepy looking." Sero said.

"No kidding." Mina said.

"Though, I have to admit, it has a very cool blade tail." Denki said.

"Agreed!" Kirishima said.

"While SCP-5031 has no nutritional needs, it will nevertheless hunt and consume any human or animal it encounters by using its pendulous lower body to down targets. SCP-5031 does not sleep and is incapable of expression or verbal communication."

"So it hunts based on desire?"
Uraraka asked.

"Not quite." Zero simply replied.

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