SCP O5 council, The Administrator, MTF's, Doctor's.

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"Ok, the First file is ready." Zero said as the File finished Uploading.



OPENING FILE the "O5 Council"

"The O5 council?" Said Almight. "Aren't those the People that run the Foundation?"

"Indeed, they are People that I work with and the People that I consider Friends. Since you all Want to understand the Foundation more, You will have to Understand the people that were Able to make all of this Possible." Zero Explained.

"So this File is about the People that made Foundation?" Nezu said with Interest. "Well, this should Fun."

"Agreed, It would good to know more about People that run the Foundation." Vlad said, followed by agreements from his fellow Pro heroes.

Meanwhile with the Students.

"Well, this could be Interesting!" Said Denki.

"I know! We're gonna learn about the most Powerful people in the Foundation!" Kirishima said.

"I am quite Interested to know more about this 'O5 council' and how they run a Foundation like this." Said Momo.

"Agreed, It would be Nice to know more about them." Izuku Agreed.

**The O5 Council. O5 Command. The Overseers. Overwatch.

These are the people who have ultimate control over the Foundation.

Each O5 member knows almost everything there is to know about the Foundation and its activities. Between them all, they know every single secret that the Foundation holds.**

"Well, that's to be expected. I mean they are the ones in charge." Midnight said.

**Most Foundation personnel spend their entire careers without seeing them. Members below Clearance Level 2 don't even know they exist. Most people outside the Foundation have never heard of them, or don't think they are real.**

"I suppose that makes sense. I mean, only the most trusted Members should know about the most Powerful leaders." Izuku comments

"Agreed Midoriya, they are the ones in charge of the SCP Foundation after all, so they wouldn't want their secrets coming out." Agreed Iida.

**Most people are afraid of them. An O5 walks into a room, and everyone pisses their pants. That's what happens when you hold supreme power over one of the scariest organizations in world history.**

"Well that's another standable response." Denki said.

"Heh, Yeah it is, I mean, we are the most Powerful people in the foundation After all. so it's natural that they would be afraid of disappointing us." Zero Explained.

"I guess, I would react in a Similar way if I disappoint it All Might..." Izuku thought.

**There seem to be thirteen members of the O5 Council, although even that is questionable. Perhaps there are multiple individuals sharing each O5 number. Perhaps dozens. But perhaps there is only one. Perhaps only one of each of the reports is true, or all reports are different facets of one person, with stand-ins and disinformation stirred in.

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