Scp 682.

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"Ok The File is all ready." Zero said as while The file was uploading.



OPENING FILE SCP-682 The Hard to Kill reptile.

"Item #: SCP-682

Object Class: Keter"

Everyone groaned at seeing the item was a Keter.

"Special Containment Procedures: SCP-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible."

"Hey, just like Shy Guy." Momo said as she remembered the details that Scp 096 was also set for termination.

"Yes, just like 096. And unfortunately we faced difficulties while doing so." Zero said.

"At this time, no means available to SCP teams are capable of destroying SCP-682, only able to cause massive physical damage."

"None of them did ?" Izuku asked.

"Up til now, none of the teams assigned to terminate SCP-682, Hard-to-Destroy Reptile, succeeded." Zero said.

"So how many anomalies there are that can not be destroyed." He asked.

Zero lowered his head, "Far too many." he said, remembering all the SCPs that had to be contained indefinitely. Some of them deserved that, while some were just victims of their fate.

"SCP-682 should be contained within a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m chamber with 25 cm reinforced acid-resistant steel plate lining all inside surfaces. The containment chamber should be filled with hydrochloric acid until SCP-682 is submerged and incapacitated."

"Sheesh." Mina thought, "Seems like the Foundation is too eager to contain this one." She commented.

"Any attempts of SCP-682 to move, speak, or breach containment should be reacted to quickly and with full force as called for by the circumstances."

Momo raised an eyebrow at how brutal they were being. "Is this all unnecessary?" She asked Zero.

"Yes, SCP-682 has displayed an extremely high level intellect, it has Engaged in full Complex conversation's with Personnel and other Scp's, sometimes having them turn to it's side, It can also speak perfect English or any type of languages, Even ones that are said to be long dead. and in one test it has shown to be able to use a computer with ease." Zero Explained, "So it has to be noted whenever he tries to speak."

Everyone was Shocked at this, at first They thought it was just a dumb Reptile, No more intelligent than all other animals, but Hearing that It can talk, as well as do all of that, Send a chill down everyone's spine.

"Just who dangerous is this thing?..." Aizawa said wondering.

"Personnel are forbidden to speak to SCP-682, for fear of provoking a rage-state. All unauthorized personnel attempting to communicate to SCP-682 will be restrained and removed by force."

"So just talking to it can Get it mad?" Midnight asked.

"Yes" Zero replied. "just Talking to the creature calmly or firmly Can cuase it to Entire it's Rage state."

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