Scp 208.

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"Bes?" Momo thought. "Why does that Name sound Familiar?"

"Item #: SCP-208

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Due to his docile manner, minimum containment procedures are to be applied to SCP-208. SCP-208 is to be housed in a 10 m x 10 m room decorated in traditional Egyptian style, furnished with a single couch and a stereo system stocked with music of North African origin of any era. Surveillance is to be maintained during all movement outside of containment. SCP-208 is approved to operate at Site-17's medical wing."

Everyone was Confused on why this Scp's room had to be in a Egyptian style.

"Description:SCP-208 appears to be a short, stout man of Egyptian heritage, possessing a great deal of hair over much of his body

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SCP-208 appears to be a short, stout man of Egyptian heritage, possessing a great deal of hair over much of his body. Along his brow is a mane similar to a lion's in shape and color, which grows down to a significant beard. SCP-208 typically wears an Egyptian tunic, similar to that of typical Old Kingdom military, although occasionally this is replaced by modern military fatigues."

The Image showed a big, Rounded man With a Giant beard and mane with hair covering his body, And he was also wearing Egyptian style clothing.

Everyone had mixed Feelings about this Scp's appearance. Some of them thought he Looked like a Nice guy to talk with. While others thought it Was strange that he was dressed like it still The old Egyptian times.

"Huh, I have to admit I like his style." Mina said.

"Agreed! It looks super manly!" Kirishima said.

"SCP-208 is capable of inducing rapid cellular regeneration and reconfiguration within organic life forms, which amounts to the ability to quickly and effectively heal most physical ailments. This is performed by a unique form of electromagnetic radiation released from SCP-208's body, "which acts on a wavelength that oscillates with four degrees of freedom rather than three. The electromagnetic radiation displays unusual pulse phenomena. Furthermore, the energy of the radiation decays over distance in a fashion incompatible with the inverse-squared model. This radiation is emitted from SCP-208 naturally in small doses, and can be released in greater amounts when focused."

Everyone was surprised by this Scp's ability.

"Wow! Talk about a Miracle worker!" Denki said.

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