Chapter 5 (Updated)

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Questions. So many of them were going through my head.

What abilities do I have?

Why does Noah want me dead?

How did my average week turn into a nightmare so quick?

Why did I have to miss my birthday?

Are Mom and Dad oka-

My thoughts were interrupted by me missing a step. "Whoa. Whoa!" I tried regaining my balance, but failed miserably.

"Ahh-", my screaming stopped, as two muscular hands go around my waist, hoisting me up on my feet. I turned around and met Kyle's eyes looking into mine. His eyes a grayish blue trying to figure me out, as I do the same for him.

Is he a good guy or bad guy? He did threaten me earlier... Maybe the bad guy thing is just an act?

I look at Kyle with confusion, as he chuckles at the expressions I was making.

A smile crosses my face, as I realize that his hands were still wrapped around me. He pulls me closer to him, and gives me a oh-so-handsome smile. This guy would be even hotter, if he would loose the jerky attitude......Or maybe he already has? I really hope so. Kyle leans in and removes one of his hands from my waist to cup my face. OMG that rhymed, and on a bigger note I can't breath anymore!

My cheeks start to heat up, and with that his hand drops from my face.

His genuine smile fades into a devious smirk, as his touch leaves me. He backs away leaving a small space between us. Wait what just happened?

Did he just play me?!

He lets out a loud laugh, "Y-Your face was priceless!" My face turns red with anger, as he walks closer to me. "I didn't know I left such an affect on you, sweetheart", he snarls, and his laughter finally dials down. I was just about to slap him when something strange caught my eye.

I stopped the gaze between us, and turned around to see orangey flames spreading around the kitchen. I broke out in to a coughing frenzy, when the smoke reached my nose.

"FIRE!!! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE", yelled Teague as he tried to find a way out. Kyle turned around in shock, " Follow me", he demanded quickly. With that we went through the same direction that Teague went.

While I was running for my life, (which it seems that I have been doing that a lot) I felt like I was forgetting something. And that's when it hit me. Fear peered around inside of me.

I immediately stopped running. I grabbed hold of Kyle's arm, till the tears couldn't keep at bay.

He must have noticed me crying, because his annoyed look turned into a look of concern.

"What is it?"

"B-B-B-BBR", I stopped when I heard a scream from upstairs.

I clutched his hand and said the words under my breath....."Bree"


I ran as fast as I could; I saw glimpses of chairs, walls, and tables on fire, as I passed through the corridor that led to the stairs. I hear Kyle yelling my name, but I didn't listen. I look behind to see Kyle running after me.


Why is he coming after me does he want me to just leave my sister up there!? Because that sure as hell is not happening.

I slowed down to catch my breath. "I'm coming with you." I turn to see Kyle beside me reloading his gun. Wait... where's my gun? Oh, well I don't even know how to use one, anyway.

"Jessica, um about what happened earlier, I only-" BOOM!

We both look up and see the second floor crashing down.

I grunted as I landed on my side, after being pushed.

Tears stung my eyes, as pain washed all over me. Why am I always getting hurt!? I hope Kyle's okay, I mean he saved my life twice now!

I search my surroundings only to come across, a shadowy figure walking towards me. YAY! IM GOING TO LIVE!

"H-hey", I attempted to yell, but it kind of sounded like bley.

The figure seemed...familiar. I squint my eyes so the person could come in focus.

"Nice to see you again...", no, no, no!!

I started shaking uncontrollably at his husky voice. It was no other than, Noah.

Yea, I was pretty terrified, but that wasn't the only reason.

If, anything I was furious, and was wanting to kick his ass.

** Author's Note **
This is sadly the last chapter for this preview thing for the book. Details about more of it is on the next Authors note.

I decided that this chapter needed a little twinking, so I hope you liked it!

Plus this chapter gave me some new ideas for the book.

~ Author Out

P.S: I need help with finding the right name and picture for this chapter...

So, share your ideas!

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