Gone ~!

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Aditi's pov:
( 2 weeks later...)

2 weeks passed since we are back in Seoul. It was boring at first few days but my regular college and routine takes things off my mind.
Mom and dad are back to their routine too , leaving me all alone in the house. But suga almost everyday hangs out with me as long as he can after school so I can't feel alone. Such a sweet heart ❤️

Right now I'm in my room with suga  laying on my bed with his head on my laps . I run my fingers through his soft hairs locks that leads him to groan in pleasure and satisfaction.

It's so hard to hide our relationship from others, cause suga can't keep his hands to himself. He likes touching me and showing affection whenever we are together, but most of the time we are with other six that thing irritates suga a lot.

Suga : im so tired!

Me : why what's wrong ?

He looked at me , let out a loud sigh and closed his eyes, I continued massaging his head.

Suga: my parents wants me to join their business after my graduation, but I don't want to do that. I hate all this business and stuff it's not my passion , my passion is music. I want to be a music director but they are against it. I hate it !!! I HATE THEM!!

Me : shh !! Its okay . We will find our way to convince your parents, it will be hard at first but eventually we will do it , just don't give up , they are your parents they love you more than anything they will agree at some time.

He looked at me and chuckled, getting up from my lap and hugged me tight and putted his all weight on me resulting on us falling on the bed , I giggled at his sudden clinging.

Suga: you are so sweet aditi, I love you so much.

With that he kissed my cheek and snuggled more into the crook of my neck totally engulfing me in his arms. I will not lie I was blushing so hard!!!! Thank god he didn't noticed it otherwise he must have made fun of me for blushing so much when he shows me affection everytime.

We were cuddling and I herd soft snores and I giggled he is asleep. He does it everytime when we are together. Hehe I love it when he feels sleepy around me. Cause according to the psychology, we feel sleepy with the person whome we trust so much and are comfortable with .

I Kissed his forehead and closed my eyes too to take a little slumber.

My sleep was disturbed by sugas phone ! Ahhh why people keep calling my boyfriend?!!
Boyfriend!! And boom I blushed at the throught of calling him my boyfriend. But my throughts were interrupted by suga who groned and got off me looking at me Yawning,

Suga: what's wrong? Why are you blushing?

Wth!!! He noticed.. shit!!! He smirked and took his phone from the nightstand and answers the call without looking at the ID , looking at me with a dirty smirk and I rolled my eyes .

Suga: hello?

The other person speaked and his smile dissappear like it never exit before and eyes widen , he instantly got up from the bed running around my room looking for his belonging

Suga: im on my way!!!

He hung up the call and wore his jacket which on my chair. I was just looking at him confused . He looked at me sweat covering his forehead.

Suga: it was my mom. D..dad got a h..heart-attack ,he is in hospital he is in c..coma.

Me : WHAT???!!!!  Omg !!! Should I come with you?!

Suga: noo! They don't know about you yet . I will call you.

With that he ran out of my room carrying his cars keys with him and that was the last time I saw him.......

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