Aditi's pov:
A week passed since I cried on Namjoon's shoulder. Since that day , he daily hangouts with me or with other five after school to keep me occupied . And it really worked., it's helping me to slowly move on and get over suga . It's still hard when suga and rośe are always in front of my eyes , but it doesn't hurt like it used to be . So I can say that was a cute little improvement in me and I am so glad <3.
Currently I'm in lecture, paying my full attention on the teacher . After 15mins bell rang and teacher walked out of class after handing us our homework.
Taehung: omg , he gave us lots of homework and it's so hard!!!
Me : no , it's not too hard tae , if you understand the concept then it will be more easy.
Taehung: i was sleeping in this class! Aditi can you please help me with it ??! Please??
He joined his hands and pleaded me with his big puppy eyes , I giggled and nodded.
Me : sure, why not!
Taehung: wahhh, you are best!! I will tag along with you after the school.
Me : sure..
Junkook: can I come too?
Taehung looked at junkook annoyed
shooting glairs at him.Taehung: why? Your concept is not clear too ?
Junkook: no they are clear, but I don't wanna do my homework alone , it's boring! So Aditi can I tag along with you guys?
Me : sure.
Taehung was more annoyed now and junkook was smirking at him . I looked at them confused ? I was about to ask them what's the matter between them , but miss mang walked in the class .
Miss mang: good afternoon everyone!!!
Everyone: good afternoon mam.
Miss mang: so I have a great news for you guys!!!
She said with a big smile , being totally excited .
Everyone: what is it?
Miss mang : PROM NIGHT - NEXT FRIDAY!!!!
Everyone clapped and cheered being totally exiced, adrenaline kicked inside me as I heard her say that cause , it will be my first prom. In India we don't have Concept of prom , I used to dream about going to prom with my date the person whome I love. *sigh* It's okay , I stilll can fulfill half of my dream right?
Time skip:
Like that the day flew by and last bell of the day rang, allowing us to go . I followed three of them to our usual hangout spot in the school garden, to the bench under a big tree.
Jenni: guys , we have prom next week!!!!
She squlled and jumped on her place .

Hey , brown girl (season 2)
FanfictionThank you for showing interest in this story. Before you proceed, please ensure you have completed season one to fully comprehend the events that have led to this point. Aditi, a young woman from India, recently found herself in a romantic relations...