practice 💓💫

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I walked downstairs, carrying a duffle bag on my shoulder which contains my boxing equipment , along with my school bag.  On Sunday Junkook informed me about the Seoul boxing championship , since then I'm practicing hard everyday after school with Junkook. He was training me , such a sweet guy hehe.

Mom : good morning aditi.

Me : morning people!!

I sat on the table , servant served me my breakfast and I started my day with taste pancakes!!

Dad : so how's your practice going ?

Me : all good dad . I'm sure I will win the championship this year !

Mom : wahh! That's great . I'm sure you can do it my love.

Me : I hope so too..!

I smiled and took a big bite of pancake with a big smile on my face .

Time skip :

Miss mang: that's all for today, see you tomorrow bbye everyone have a great evening .

With that miss mang walked out of the class , I stretched my stiff shoulders. God I'm hungry!

Nayeon: hey , aditi would you like to have some chocolate?

She pulled out a chocolate bar from her bag and my eyes shined with excitement and happiness.

Me : sure , thanks !

I opened my mouth to take a big delicious bite , but before I could get that pleasure Junkook snatched the chocolate  bar from my hands. I looked at him and winned !!

Junkook: NO!

I looked at him pouting, but that didn't work on him .

Taehung: why so rude Junkook? Let her have that.

Junkook glared at Taehung and then at me .

Junkook: the championship is on Sunday and if you gained any weight till then they will disqualify you without thinking a sec .

He put the chocolate bar in his bag . As I pout , but to be honest he was right , I can't risk to gain even a single gram . I wanna win this year cause , I am the only girl repressing our school after ages and I wanna win it no matter what!!

Nayeon: don't worry aditi , after your championship I will treat you a big bucket of ice-cream!

Me : Ice-cream?!! Yayeee!

Three of them giggled , and I got up from my seat . I bid goodbye to Taehung and nayeon and walked to our boxing club with Junkook by my side . As we entered the club it was empty unlike everyday

Me : where are everyone?

Junkook: I asked them all to take a break till Sunday, cause I don't want anyone to disturb or distract you , now Go get change.

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