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Aditi: shit! Suga.. Please take it out... It h..hurts!

Aditi exclaimed as Suga tried his best to do what she asked him to, But he somehow failed making Aditi clunch the bed sheet tight between her fists. She crunched her nose, a frown formed on her beautiful face.

Suga: I'm trying my best okay! Have some patience Aditi, stop acting like a brat and let me concentrate!

He scolded Aditi.

Aditi slapped his hand away from her long hair and replaced his hands with hers which was struggling with her hair accessory (man-tika) which was strangled in her head pretty tough way. Suga hissed caressing his palm, as he gazed at her reselling with her jewellery.

Her pretty red lengha was shining under the warm lights of their room. The vermilion was glowing on her crown as soon as she succeeded in removing the jewellery almost flunking it out of the window, instead, she threw it somewhere in the room, forcing Suga to let out a little chuckle as he glanced at his wife all worked up because of the jewellery.

Aditi: 1 done 19 more to go.

She let out a sigh, and her husband groaned, It was past midnight and the newly married couple were spending some quality time by helping each other get rid of the heavy gold accessories off their exhorted self. Suga was done within the first 15 minutes, getting rid of the neck pieces and cuff bracelets with the least amount of effort. Helping Aditi before he could change and sleep the night and the next day away.

While Aditi was busy removing her necklaces, he decided to help her with her anklets by reaching for her feet. As soon as his hands touched her bare feet, she flinched and pulled her legs up on the bed at lightning speed, pulling them close to her chest.

Aditi: what are you doing?

Suga glances at her, eyes wide with surprise. He points at her legs.

Suga: Helping you with your anklets. Why? What's wrong?

He glances at Aditi with his innocent eyes. Fear lingered in his chest as he thought again and again about his actions.

Did he by any chance upset her?

Did he cross his line by touching her without her consent?

Aditi sighed.

Aditi: Sorry for scaring you. The husband should never touch their wife's feet.

She let her legs back down, pulling Suga up on the bed again, as he was kneeling to help her, she smiled.

Aditi: Help me with this big necklace, please.

She pouts, gaining a giggle out of Suga as he perked her lips.

Suga: sure, come here love.

As they were done with the jewellery, a sigh of relief huffed out of Aditi, she stretched her stiff body. Suga brushed the hair out of her face gently.

Suga: you must be exhorted.

Aditi: to be honest I'm not. Let's open the gifts.

She squealed and jumped off the bed running towards the big couch. Popping on it. Suga glances at her with an "I am so done with her" face. How can she be so energetic after the goddam Tiriding wedding? He let out a sigh and joined her on the couch, glancing at the hundreds of colourful boxes arranged in their bedroom.

Aditi: yeyee'm excited!

She popped on the couch and grabbed the big blue box. Tearing the life out of wrapping paper resembling a bratty excited toddler unboxing her Christmas gift. Suga's curious eyes lingered on the box. Excitement growing inside him as well now.

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