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Nazar miley toh pyaar ho jata hai......***
Nazar miley toh pyaar ho jata hai......
Palkey uthey toh izhar ho jata  hai....
..... ******....... ******........ **'' ''..

Nazar miley toh pyaar ho jata hai......
Palkey uthey toh izhar ho jata  hai.......
Na janey kya kwaishis hai chhahat mai...... ***

Na janey kya kwaishis hai chhahat mai......
Ke koi anjaan vi humari zindagi ka haqdaar ho jata hai..
Haqdaar ho jata hai....

Shehnaaz plead him through her eyes & pull him towards her body only to smashed her soft lips with his rough one.  Boths body feels a string of current when they touch each other's. They were feel complete with just a mere touch. Their lips were moving in a sync. They were living on the moment. Shehnaaz wants more from him but he was controlling himself.

His desire was on the peck but he have to control his emotions as he can't cheat her again. He can't betray two important person of his life. He know he had already broken her beyond the repair. He doesn't want to make her life worse. He slowly stop his deed & try to make her sleep.

" you feel disgusted with me as??" he fumbled on her words as she feel he was feeling disgusting with goons bites on her body. " they had made it dirt..." before she complete he shut her mouth with his. He feel pinch I. His heart with her word. He could never feel ashamed or disgust with her. He just can't make any move for now. He fell her insecurities.
" I'm a father of.." before he completed his word she cut him. " & I accept you with this" saying she again smashed her lips on his & this time she lead the kiss. She was kissing him like a hungry tigress.  Why not? She had missed his touch, his love, his sweet talk with her. She was dying from 2 years just to listen his sound, just for his glimpse. She poured her all loved on this kiss for him. Their body was burning on desrie.
" I can't gave you the right you deserve" he said once she leave his lips. " I just want your love " she again start her work in his lips. She is chewing, bitting, suckling his upper lips. He slowly unbotton his shirt & throw it at the corner of the room. Her one hand was caressing her hair were another was busy on his abs making him loose his control. She pinched his buds harshly when she feel he was lost somewhere. He hissed in pain make her to move her tounge all inside his mouth to explore it for her.

She unbotton his pant & tried to push it down. He was trying hard to control her while she was busy with showering wet kiss on his neck & giving hickeys there. He try to not loss his sanity but once her hand touch his member & start to play with it he lost it. He lost himself totally on her. He start his torture on her neck. He start giving hickeys to her all over the body. She fell blessed with his little torture. She realised whith his foreplay only.  Later they once again being one soul of two bodies.

Next morning Shehnaaz got woke up first & feel blessed to be in a arms of her loved ones. She had wait for this moment from last some years & finally the day come. She kissed him make him wake up from his deep sleep. He smiled once his eyes land on her. She shyly hide her face on his bare chest make him shiver on her touch. He had sleep this peacefully after long time. She shower wet kisses on his bare chest made him hard once again. He hover over her & start his work on her but he leave her in middle when something click on his mind.

" I'm sorry.... I'm sorry for what had...." she fell hurt with his apologise. "what had happened, happen with our both consent" She doesn't like they way he feel regret their love. " but it's wrong"  he said with gulit. " are you regretting??" words hardly got out from her mouth. He can feel her pain. He cupped her face " I can never regret our love" he kissed her forehead. " it's just I don't deserve you after what I did with you in past." he said with the guilt of leaving her. " what you did, did for my own good" her words shocked him. " what" words was not forming from him. " I know why you leaved me" her every words were shocking him. " I know you leave me for my own good. You don't want public to blame me for all those things. You wanted to protect me, my dignity, my life. Your that harsh words, everything you said was just for me to hate you." her tears flow from her eyes which pinched his heart. He wiped it & kissed her eyes." you did hate me?? "  he asked where she just shake her head negative.

How can she hate the one whom she had loved with whole heart. She had not able to hate him when he had used those harsh words for her then, how can she when she knew he leaved her for her own good. To protect her from so called society. " never. I just loved you more with the passing days"  her confession made his heart thunder. " I don't deserve your love" his eyes betray him & a water flow from his eyes. She kissed on his eyes one by one. " no one deserve mr more than you" saying so, she kissed his lips. He also reciprocate.

Slowly _ slowly there kiss became more passionate. They hungry eat each other. He was drowning in another passion.
" mmmmhhmmm.. kush" she moan loudly while he bite her birth mark when he came back in his senses. She still thinks him as a kush. That mean she doesn't know the whole truth. He can't do this to her. All the flashed if threat to kill her came in his head. Seeing him confused she asked " what happened??". She took 2 step back from her. " no.. I can't" he said " huh??" she asked. " this is all wrong. It's all past" he said. " what are you saying??"  she tried to touch him.

He was in a deep think that he can't do this to her. He can't risk her life again. He cantymake two heart break with his carelessness. He can't spoil 3 life with his selfishness.   She hugged him but he sightly push her and said " I'm sorry. I shouldn't have crossed my limit."
" baby" she cup his face. " no I can't risk your life. No. I will protect you. They can't do anything bad things to you." he blabber. She hugged him " no one will do anything to us. You will protect me like you did yesterday"  she patted his back to claim him down but he was no where to listen to any one. " you have to leave from here before they get to know." he start to panic. He can't let anyone to harm her. He had saved her before & will also save in Future. " pack you back. Your are going back. I can't risk your life" he said to her. " no I'm not going to leave you this time" she said.
" you have to" he said. " no!! I love you. I don't want to live without you not now as I know you also love me" she replied. He knew this time it will be hard for him. But he need to do it. "no!! I don't. That was all about past. Forget that & leave. We can't be together. I'm a father. I can't." he said to her. She was about to hold his hand but he stop her. " that was our past you have to move on from that. I will book your tickets ASAP. you take rest for now. & I'm really sorry for what had happened yesterday. I losses my self control but that will not going to happen. I'm sorry please forget it like a bad dream. Let a past be a past " he was blabbering non stop & didn't even knew what he was saying & doing. This time only he care about is her safety. " forget your past & live your life "  saying this he take his phone to make some call.

Wo khetey hai bhula do purani baati ko...... ***.....
Wo khetey hai bhula do purani baati ko......
Kese samjhaun I he Ke, ISHQ purana nahi hota....

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