Family Time

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At shukla mansion

In a living area; a lady with a bundle of maid & servents gather together. There she is instructing them about their responsibilities & duties on work. After dividing their particular work, her mother in law asked her to take some rest as she can breath fresh & make her to sit with her. As she heard the sound of horn, she asked one maid to open the door & another to bring water.

 As she heard the sound of horn, she asked one maid to open the door & another to bring water

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Two handsome man in suit enter the home. She move towards them and take their bag & make them to sit comfortably in couch in living area with board smile in face & offer a glass of water to them.

"welcome home" she said with pleasent smile in face & stand near them. Both man passes a smile for her gesture.

" good evening mom / good evening aunty" as both (  Siddharth & vikas) greet the old lady, she also welcome them with sweet gesture "good evening my babies. Hows your day passed?

" tired of their shopping & meeting " Siddharth reply where vikas gesture as all good.

" Papa" a cute little boy run towards Siddharth & hug him tightly. "welcome home,  I missed you" said with a cute pout" where Siddharth reply with kiss. " welcome home v. papa" he turned towards vikas where vikas also gesture with kiss.

"where's our little champ" Siddharth asked looking towards the lady standing near him.

"he is playing with kushal" sannaya reply

"isn't he planned to meet with his colleagues" vikas asked. "They had just leaved half an hour ago"she replied.

" It's good for him to be around with friends" Siddharth said.

"Baby go call your kushal uncle for dinner" she asked baby & he nodded " okay mumma" & leaved. "you guys also get fresh first" she added looking towards Siddharth & vikas where they nodded in positive.

After some minutes the both man leave towards their rooms for freshen up. Sannaya follow Siddharth towards their room. She palced his bag on table & help him to take out this coat & hanged in respective place & took a pair of cloth from closet & handover to him & asked him to join for dinner.

"How's your meeting went?" she asked whlie pulling his coat from his shoulder.

"I think this time we get a deal " he said & sense some tense around so truned towards her & cupped her face" dont worry! Everything will be in place" he added & peck her forehead. Where she nodded in positive manner.

" get fresh quickly & come downstairs" she handed his clothes & move towards kitchen where he goes to washroom.

In dinning area; there a whole family enjoying their meal time with family.

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