Flashback 1.2

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In london,

The moment I step in  ground of London, a little bleez of wind touch my whole body with it's fresh air, sun kissed my face with it's ray. I feel so lite & happy by the change of nature. When I moved out of the airport nature change it's atmosphere, clouds carzly overcomes in a dark way makes sun to hide on it. It seems like any moment it can be raining. Sudden change in nature makes my heart beat more faster then ever, my heart start pumping like it will be blast in any time but a little curve in my lips never leave it place as I was smiling with my inner soul  happiness, reason....  My mind was unaware of it. I don't know but the feeling was blissful. I'm loving it. It feels like someone close to my heart, my soul was there, may be waiting for me or living for me but as I know there is no one whom I know. May be it's just because of my nightmares. Ya recently I was having a nightmare with the blur vision like I had lived that life but that was not in my any glimpse of memory, may be of someone I rearly know but always pull me towards her. Ya it's a girl, I'm always dreaming of, where she was calling me to help her out. But before I could see her face a heavy smoke came from nowhere & she disappeared in thin air.

My chain of thought broken by a old age man who is carrying a board with my name, calling me "kushal sir!!! Here" from long time but I can't hear it lossed in my own land & also because of this identity changing game. Ya I had come here many times to by changing my identity with kushals. It's fun & adventures, 😉. I loved it. I shrugged my thoughts and followed that old man till he approached towards his car waiting for us to leave. He asked me to seat as we are getting late as in any moment it can be raining & sun was ready to set in anytime.

We moved from there. It almost the way for 4_5 hours to reach my destination. We were on our way when darkness carry whole sky to make city more lightfull. Whole way there was a cute banners between my heart & mind but the reason, as always I was unaware about it.
We are almost in my place when it start raining. The drops touch the ground & flew its smell all around but I hate raining. I don't like this & can't understand those people who drenched in it & enjoy every drops in their body. Like my 'mutu' she loves rain & always get excited to get dreached in it, dancing, singing & enjoying the every drop, she love the smell of mud creat by rain. But next she caught cold. What's the need of enjoying it when in a next you will be unwell by it. Carzy peoples.

I shrugged my thoughts & got busy on my mobile but out of sudden my heart start racing, beating as fast as possible & pumping in higher speed. It feels like it will be explode in any time. I closed my eyes with this weird feelings but open it in a jerk as soon as I closed it when I saw the image of a beauty hugging me in near a beach. It's such a beautiful place for this things but I'm sure it's not my 'mutu' whom I was hugging. I don't know who was she whom I was embracing with such a love as I know I never take any my stands or extra girls in such place nor show any affection like this. But with that girl, I was feeling the moment & most surprisingly it was from my early age which I don't remember clearly. What's that???
Ahhhh my head it's paining like a hell. I caught my head with my hand. Old man traveling with me asked whether I was good or not. I just gave him a faint smile & nod my head to say that I'm good. He offered me a bottle of water. I gluped it in one go. I asked him to make a side as I want to wash my face & wet my head. He compiled. I make open the glass of window and do my work. As I was about to close it my eyes fell in a beautiful view.

A girl, full of beauty was playing in a mud with little kids. Not actually playing but she was dancing, singing & enjoying the drops of rain in her body which makes her more beautiful. I got loss on veiw & unknowingly open the door & asked driver to wait for little & move towards her. She really had a smooth & loving voice which can make anyone to slept over it. Her glossy pink lips, her wet long hair, her twinkling hazel eyes, her dolly cheek & wet body showing its perfect curve make her more tempting & beautiful. It feels like she has directly comes from heaven. She was like a goddess of beauty whom I wanted to worship for my whole life. I was so close to her but she loss in her that much that she even didn't realized that I was there near her glazing her. I was so lost in her when nature play its role. It roared in a loud sound & a light cracked in a sky which make her to jump in fear. She hugged me tightly out of her fearness & that touch of her makes me feel relaxed & gave me a extreme pleasure. I don't know the feel as I never feel that way in my life ever not with my 'mutu' as well. It was a strange & new feeling I was going with. I know it's wrong but I was loving it. I embraced her in my arm more tightly. My hand was around her waist in such a way like it never allowed her to move away from me. Suddenly we feel the proximity & she try to free herself from me. I loose my hand from her but as soon as she loose her grip, sky roared in his anger like he also doesn't like that she was moving away from me. She tighten it more & dig her face on my chest with the sound. I cross my arms more tightly in her that may be it will leave a mark in her waist.

"I'm afraid with this sound" she whisper in my chest. "don't worry my bachha I'm with you" I said it with love & concerns which soothen her fear a little as she nodded her head & rub her nose in my chest. I dig my one hand on her waist & move another towards her cheek & caressing her cheek with my thumb. My hand makes it's way towards her back head & start caressing her hair & another rubbing up & downs towards her back & I can feel that she was feeling ease with it & have very comfortable with my touch like I was touching her from long. She clutched my shirt in her small fits as I kissed her forehead. It was totally drak that she was not able to see my face. Our proximity  was creating  a sensation through our body. It feels like we know each other from ages. My heart feels complete with her.

We are having our best moment when someone call her from far "sanu!!! We are getting late. Come fast dear" as soon as she heard the sound. She come back on her senses & leave me with jerk & run towards the sound without seeing me. I already missed her touch & warmth. I saw her retire figure leaving from my gaze my heart which was ready to explode was now in estable condition. What magic she done to me. I was loss in her thoughts & visualized her playing figure near me but when I try to toch it, it disappeared. I heard the sound of her giggle which sound like a soft music for my ear. I closed my eyes to feel it, to enjoy it but the ring on my phone  makes me come back on earth. I opened my eyes to see her but couldn't found her near me but her smell was strongly clung with me. My trance was broke down with another ring on my phone. I take it out from my pocket to see that it's mutu who was calling me. I come back on my reality that I was married & had a happy family with . It was wrong to feel this way for other girls but there was not a mere guilt in my way which I found strange. I picked up a call with another ring. "hello!! What takes you so long to pick up the call??? Are you okay??? Did you reached safely" she asked in one go. I can feel her concern & love in her voice. "ya!! I'm on my way to home. My phone was on silence" I lie to her for the first time in my life. She sensed it and asked "is everything alright??? "  I assured her that everything is fine where it was not. My heart messed up all. I sneeze in middle of our talk & she get to know that why. I got a good scold from my wife for carelessness & asked me to have warm water. I assure her that I will be good as it was just a mere cold. She asked me whether she need to come to me. I denied her for that and told her that I will call her after I reached our place. She told me that my champ want to talk with me. I promise her to call her after some time. As I was still dreaching in rain in middle of ground. She asked me to take care & cut the phone after giving me a good lecture.

I made my way towards my place & whole way I was only thinking about that strange beauty whom I met a hour ago who place in my heart in first glance. Her image was disturbing me. I was seeing her in everywhere I looked for but I know nothing about her only her name "sanu". It may be her nickname but the name make me smile ear to ear. I brought back my thoughts when drive informed me that we reached my place. I thanks him for the ride & make my way towards my place.

As I enter one maid take my bag from my hand & handed me a towel to wipe myself. Another come with a glass of warm water mixed with herbs. And I know who made them to do that..... "mutu". She is such a caring person. After having a glass. I headed towards my room for freshen up. When I was under the shower it makes me feel like I was dreaching in a rain with her in my arms. I was feeling her in me. I come back in a room after a long warm bath. As I entered I saw that beauty in my bed playing with my phone & giggled but disappear as soon as I tried to touch her. I shrugged my thoughts. I saw my dress placed in my bed which surprised me that who did it as only my mom & mutu do it but they are not here with me. I was so confused & start searching the source. A sudden knock on door bring me back. Mena tai were there, a old take carer of this place. She give me a smile & I give it back to her with a confused look. She may be got my point and clear that she do it. "baby ji had  vedio called me and asked to help with your dress. She did this" she cleared my confusion & asked me to join for dinner. I nodded towards her & take my dress towards closets & changed it. I called my mom & talked with her & asked her take a call to my champ & do some chitchat with him for sometime then move towards the dining area for dinner. I saw the dish of my favorite in my plates. I taste it to find a medicine herbs in every dish & got that it's my mutu who suggested them for it. I smile with her gesture that she was taking care of me even in her absence as well. I gave her a call as soon as I landed on my bed and as I guessed she was waiting for it. I do some talk with her but the image of 'sanu' never leaves my mind.  I scolded my mind that I can't think of any other women but my heart didn't give a damn to my mind. I hardly got sleep with her in my mind but didn't get to know when sleep took over me.

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