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"Hello. you know me, We have met before. I have many names. I am the queen of dreams and nightmares, I am Alora. Dream of the Endless. We start at the very beginning of my story..."

Her eyes opened as she took her first breath.

She was laying in a bed of some sort that stood in a dark room. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she sat up and examined the room. It was almost completely empty except the bed, a mirror and a black door that was on the other side of the room.

Her head was full of questions, where was she? How did she get here? Why was she laying in a bed? But the most important one, why couldn't she remember her name?

She got out of the bed and walked towards the mirror to examine herself. She didn't think she looked old, but also not young. Brown hair, brown eyes, she didn't necessarily think she was ugly. But also wouldn't call herself beautiful. She wore a loose black night gown? At least she thought it was a night gown.

She sighed and looked at the door, biting her lip she reluctantly decided to start walking over to it. Taking a deep breath before pushing it open to reveal a dome kind of room that had 5 other doors like hers, only different colours.

As if she set off an reaction, 4 other doors started to open to revealing 3 male's and 1 other female.

They all looked at each other in confusion, but none of them said anything as they didn't have the courage to do so.

She observed to others, All of them had brown hair like her. the one on her right, he looked slightly older then her. He confused her even more as he looked angry, Or was it confusion? She couldn't really tell. He had brown eyes like her, but facially they didn't look alike. His door was a dark brownish/orangish.

The one on her left was definitely not alike to her, again the eyes matched. But their faces were very different. She could recognise a seductive smirk attached to his face and as their eyes clashed, she already felt some annoyance towards him.

He just continued to smirk at her, which only prompted her to glare at him. He looked a bit taken back, but returned the glare.

Their glaring contest was broken off as a loud and strong voice was heard around the room "Hello children, welcome to the beginning."

The voice came out of nowhere, but they all looked up like it came from there-

"This will take way too long if we go at this pace, let me explain everything to you..

Me and my siblings existed at the beginning of time. We didn't grow up like all you mortals do, as stated before we simply just existed one day, created by our parents. The voice you heard before was that of my father, Death. He and my mother, Life, combined their powers to make my siblings and I.

They gave us half of themselves to create the powerful beings we are, their attributes, their feelings and with each of us a purpose.

You see it's a simple tale. Every time my mother created a human, they were boring. Grey things that had no actual life, they were just there. They just stood and stared, sometimes walked until old age would eventually take them to their demise for my father, Death to collect them. It made every universe or any mortal plane they created Dull and more colourless then the next.

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬- 𝚃𝚅𝙳𝚄 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌Where stories live. Discover now