Delta and Fennekin

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Delta relaxed on his couch while he scrolled through the news on his Rotom phone while Fennekin rested inside his shirt.

To his mild annoyance, he was all over the internet. Thankfully, it was mostly positive. But one particular statement caught his eye.

If it weren't for that boy, I probably wouldn't be here right now. So if there's anyone to thank, it's him.

"Huh? People think I saved his life?"

Well, he kinda did. Porygon and its Conversion 2 move destroyed Hypno's shield, which it could've kept up for a long time.

"Lance is too humble for his good. I mean, take at least a little credit." Delta said.

He figured now was as good a time as any to leave Kanto. But where to next? He searched it up and came across a map of every region in the world.

"Galar looks good... but in Alola it's summer every day! Where do I go?"

He decides to ask Fennekin. "Hey, Fennekin. I need your help with something."

Fennekin shuffles around in his shirt for a bit before poking her head out, looking tired.

"Where do we go next?" He shows her a list of regions.

She fully wakes up and looks at the list. Delta scrolls for her, but she quickly signals for him to go back up, which she did.

She points to Johto.

"Johto?" Delta said, intrigued. "Rotom, tell me some things about Johto."

"Johto. Most people, after completing the gym challenge here in Kanto and losing in the league, go to Johto afterward. It is most often seen as the next step in a trainer's journey."

"Really? If that's the case, I guess I'll go there next. Eventually." Delta said before getting up.

"In the meantime, why don't we do some more battles? In case any more enemies like Hypno appear, we gotta be ready."

Fennekin agreed. She was excited, due to not getting to fight as much as she expected to.

They head off to Viridian City, looking for trainers to battle against. Neither knew that the battle of their lives would take place here.

Delta, after a run-in with a few fans, encounters a Hypno survivor. Janine. She challenges him before he could challenge her. Delta accepts, and they move to a nearby open area.

"You know, ever since I caught wind of you battling alongside Lance, I've been meaning to battle you." She said.

"Well, I didn't do much. Lance did all the work. I just dealt with Hypno's Psychic shield. I'm still just a novice." Delta replied.

"Well, I'll just have to see for myself. Come out, Ariados!" Janine said. Delta scans it.

"Ariados. The Web Pokemon. A Bug and Poison type. This Pokemon likes to sleep in beds made of its webs."

"Alright. Here we go, Fennekin." Delta said, Fennekin eagerly running onto the battlefield. It's first human opponent since Juliana.

"I"ll have the first move. Use String Shot!" Janine commanded.

"Burn away the webs with Ember," Delta said, the attacks canceling each other out. "Now use Ember again!"

As the small ball of fire flew toward Ariados, Janine calls out another move.

"Use Night Shade!"

The ghost-type move blows through Ember, dealing heavy damage to Fennekin. But she wouldn't be going down just yet.

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