Mystery Dungeon

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"What could you possibly need my help with?" Delta asked. "I'm here to save the guardians. Not assist in whatever scheme you have."

"I'm not doing anything!" Lusamine roared before calming down. "I-I need your help to help someone. She's - "

"You know what?" Delta shrugged. "I won't get anywhere like this. If you just let me out of here, I'll trust you enough to hear you out and help you with whatever you need help with."

"Yes!" Lusamine, prepares too quickly, messes with the cage in an effort to release him. "You don't understand, I've been waiting for you for years."

The invisible walls of the cage die down, and Delta walks out, subtly cracking his knuckles as Lusamine turns around.

"You're the only one who can -"

Lusamine feels a sharp pain in her neck, and she hits the ground. Delta hit her.

"As if I'd ever say that!" Delta shouted at her. "You kidnapped me and my friends! What did you expect to happen?"

"Kidnapped...?" Lusamine muttered as Delta took a keycard from her and made his way to the door. "N-No! I didn't..."

Lusamine could barely stand. Delta had a surprisingly strong punch. She began hyperventilating as he got closer to the door.

"Don't go!" She harshly hit the ground again. Delta stops and looks at her. Her teary eyes made him hesitate.

"Don't go..." She crawled at him at a painfully slow pace. "Please don't go! I love you! I need you to help me!"

Delta wanted to help his friends. But there was something about Lusamine's raw desperation that made him second guess leaving her.

"Don't go..."

She was either a really good actor or she genuinely had good intentions. Either way, Delta felt as if he would regret this.

"Oh, for the love of..." He punched the wall out of frustration in himself for not being able to leave. "I better not regret this."

He helped her to her feet, but she was still struggling to stand because of the hit she took.

"You need a doctor," Delta begrudgingly dragged her to the door. "Tell them you hit your head."

"N-No." She stopped and dropped herself on him. "This isn't about me. I'm not important."

"What are you talking about?" Delta grew frustrated with her.

Lusamine starts crying. "Will... you stay? Please?"

Delta resisted the urge to shout. "Fine. I'll keep you company or whatever. Just tell me what your deal is."

"I... I tried everything. I did everything, bought everything money could get, a...and nothing worked!" Lusamine stammered. "Nothing worked... I can't save her... I can't save her on my own."

"Save who?" Right as he asked, the power suddenly went out. Lusamine's face twisted on horror.

She screamed in fear and charged toward the door, attacking it relentlessly and failing to get it open.

"Hey, calm down!" Delta tore her away from the door after her hands were damaged. "Just have your Pokémon break it down."

Lusamine wiped her face with her wrists. "I... can't. I wanted you to feel safe so you would help me. Professor Kukui helped me reinforce the doors here. We can't break them down."

And she took away his Pokémon and phone so he wouldn't do anything rash.

Delta gently held her broken hands. "I don't think we'd be able to leave anyway due to these."

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