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You were standing at the edge. Finally it will all come to an end. You didn't feel scared, you felt relieved.
„Don't." He said with an emotionless voice. The man without a face. You turned around, not because he actually got to change your mind, but because you were surprised how he said it without any emotion. As if he only said it to look like a good person, that at least tried to stop you.

*ring ring* Your phone woke you up. You opened your eyes and looked around your room, questioning why you are in your room. Once again it was just a dream.

You got up and got ready to head out for school. You put on a oversized sweater and some sweatpants, slipped into your shoes, grabbed your bag and breakfast, and went out the door. It was raining, but you didn't care. You just pulled your hood over your head, lit up a cigarette and started walking to school.

After a 10 minute walk you finally reached the school. Your best friend Lily was already waiting for you at the entrance of your school. She's always so bubbly and happy, you don't get it. „Hey y/n! Come on! Get out the rain sweety!" You rolled your eyes but smiled. „How are we friends Lily? We are the complete opposite of eachother." You laughed and she just pulled you into a hug.

While you both were walking through the halls, Lily hooked your arms and help it with her other hand. „I have amazing news!" She said with a big smile. „You always have 'amazing' news." You laughed. „Well these are actually amazing! I was at the club saturday. Aaaaannnnnddd I met this guy. He looked at me and BOOM we were kissing! Now I got his number." She said and was practically jumping up and down. „What's his name?" You asked her and she stopped. „Oh." She just said. „Lily, don't tell me you didn't ask for his name." You said and immediately started laughing. „I swear to god I asked him!! I just forgot! Should I ask him? Or does it sound weird asking 2 days later?" She said nervously. „Just ask him. He will laugh about it." You said and shrugged your shoulders.  She pulled out her phone and just texted him. To your surprise, he answered instantly. „Georg! His name is Georg! And he think it's funny that I forgot, so it's all good." You laughed and both of you proceeded to make your way to your classroom.

When you entered the room you immediately rolled your eyes. You already saw Tom, Bill and Gustav sitting in your row. Every weekend, you forget that they exist. You hate that they exist, so you just push it out your mind.

„Look at our sunshine! Lighting the room up with her smile!" Tom said jokingly. You looked at him angrily and he just grinned. Bill and Gustav just laughed, even though you could see some sorrow in Bills eyes. Most of the time he just laughs, so that Tom won't get pissed or hurt. „How was your weekend baby?" Tom said and put his hand on your thigh. „Shut it Tom. And stop touching me you weirdo." You said and moved your chair away a bit. He just rolled his eyes and then started talking to Bill and Gustav again, turning his back to you.

As you were sitting in this class, you just stared outside. You saw the rain and it kind of comforted you. The sky was crying, so that you won't.

The bell finally rang and you almost ran out the room. You walked through the halls as fast as you could and went outside the building to smoke. You squatted down, your back touching the wall. Then your thoughts got back to you again.
It was like a dark cold blanket was covering your mind. Your head felt heavy and you started to get a headache. Most of the times, when you are alone with your thoughts, you get a headache. „Fuck." You mumbled since it was really stingy. „No cussing lady." A voice said. You looked up and saw this face. The face you hate. „Stop harassing me." You just said and looked back down, hoping for Tom to leave. „No thank you. It's fun. But actually, I just wanted to ask for a lighter." He said and squatted down next to you. You rolled your eyes, but decided to just give him one, he won't leave anyway.

„Why are you always so negative? That's really unattractive." He said and you could hear his smirk. „Why are you always so annoying? That's really unattractive." You said back. He nudged your arm, so that you fell to your side. „Fuck." You said while trying to get your balance back. „You fucker." You added. „I love when you are mad." He said and stood up to walk away. He didn't say anything more, he just walked and turned his head to look at you two times. You looked at him with squinted eyes, trying to show your anger.

Hold Me Close (Tom Kaulitz)Where stories live. Discover now