Chapter Ten

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Home, Modern Era - Namid

The Jiedai. Namid exhaustedly looked among his peers as they settled around the little glade. They had no idea what was about to happen, to be asked of them. This went so far beyond grounding and centering that it really couldn't be compared. He folded himself on the ground next to Astrid and watched Ming Yue.

The elder chewed on her lip as she stared into space. Namid knew this look. She gave this decision careful consideration. Occasionally she studied someone, her eyes focusing in that way they did when she read an energy level. But no matter how hard she looked or what formula she calculated, it all came to one conclusion: Ming Yue didn't like what she saw.

And he couldn't blame her. They weren't even gathered logically. Deza and Galen whispered together on the banks of the creek. The seated Sumiko stared into the trees with her knees to her chest. Poor woman. The location probably reminded her of Irem's garden, and the two had been lovers for the longest time. At least her hip was healing, thanks to Astrid's attention and simply being home. Ming Yue stood at Cahya's side, both silent, watching Nanami play with stones near their feet.

Keegan lay stretched out on a rock on the far side of the clearing, staring at the sky, and Danika had her eyes locked on him. She seemed lost, emotionally speaking. Namid made to rise, meaning to talk to her, but she broke her trance and crossed to Keegan before Namid found his feet.

Keegan spoke while Danika was still several feet away. Everyone could overhear their conversation, but Keegan didn't seem to care.

"I'm trying to get you out of my head," he said, "in the most literal way."

"I — I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

He raised his head to look at her. "Sorry?"

"That I forgot my training back there. And thank you for rescuing me."

Keegan groaned and laid his head on the rock again. "It wasn't so much a rescue as a well-timed reminder. Reminders don't require thank-you's." He waved her away, which was probably reinforced by thoughts, and she returned to the group.

Danika turned and made eye contact with Namid. He smiled and patted the ground. She accepted the offer, seating herself in front of Namid instead of beside him. She folded her hands in her lap and hung her head.

He watched her for some time, then glanced at his wife. She shrugged. He did as well.

"Is there something you need to talk about?" Namid asked in a quiet tone, trying to coax the woman into speaking.

She nodded, still examining her folded hands. "I don't know. I'm — I'm lost again. I remember you helped me that night in the lounge, but it's vague. I found this in my room." She pulled a partially burned candle from her pocket. "I remember what it meant, but now that I'm sitting here looking around, I can't help but feel like I've ruined everything, like the candle will never be lit again."

He felt a brush against his mind. Astrid wanted his attention. In cases like this, it meant she had something to add, and he wished to know her thoughts. He raised an eyebrow and glanced at his wife. "What do you think, my love?"

Astrid had been studying Danika while she spoke. Now, as the newcomer regarded his wife, Namid waited for her to speak her mind on the matter.

His wife grinned. She leaned forward and touched a finger to the wick. A spark caught and became a flame that burned a soft pink before changing to a regular color. "Sometimes we end up like this," she gestured around the glade. "Dejected, weakened, lost in our thoughts. When this happens, we gather thusly so we can be alone together."

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