Chapter Twelve

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Over Yonder - Astrid

Word must have spread about the coming battle, Astrid thought as she materialized on the spirit plain. Spirits and demons alike, those she had known in the past and faces unfamiliar, lined the path leading to town. They stood on both sides, forming a road that would lead them to their destinies.

She waited alongside Namid as the others got their bearings. She hated Over Yonder, the way the aether pulled at her soul, how the miasma felt wet around her feet. That Craeu had chosen this place was an extra slap in the face. Usually, they had their battle with him on the human plain, and even there, he was difficult, if not impossible, to beat into submission. That was all they had ever managed once he had taken his marked.

She slid her arm into Namid's and looked up at him. She was eight inches shorter, and his hair framed his face when he regarded her. He kissed her, then whispered, "Don't fret, my love. They won't harm us."

Astrid nodded and glanced back, counting heads. Nine. "Everyone's here," she whispered.

Namid released her arm and started forward, leading the group between the line of spirits. They stood in single file, most of them with their eyes downcast. The mood was stifling, the silence overwhelming. Many of them knew Namid, reaching to touch his hand as he passed. Some whispered prayers; others made symbols in the air; and lanterns floated everywhere.

Astrid stayed by Namid's side, half jealous that he knew so many here. The rest of her hoped that, when she was gone, they would take care of him and convince him to live. They were both marked, but he had not been one of the original six, and she prayed his was only another of their foe's fear tactics. She forced herself not to cry as they walked, but heard sniffles from those behind them.

A glance back revealed Sumiko wiping her cheeks. She had planned for Nanami's future and had explained the outcome to the child as best she could. Walking away from the portal, though, the woman had lost her composure. Namid hesitated when Astrid did, looking back as well. He smiled down at Astrid, then retreated to talk with Sumiko.

Crying wouldn't do them any good now. It would only weaken them, blur their vision, steal their willpower. She moved to follow, but stopped as one of Namid's kitsune friends darted into the street and swirled up to perch on her shoulder.

"Hoshi?" she asked, startled by his sudden arrival.

The kitsune regarded her for a moment, then stretched upward on his paws for a better look around the crowd.

Namid and Ming Yue spoke to Sumiko, but she couldn't hear them. The woman nodded a few times and wiped her eyes once more.

"Is everything okay?" she asked the kitsune.

Hoshi lowered himself and placed his front paw on her head. "They have Haru."

Astrid cringed. "I'm so sorry, Hoshi. We will do the best we can to free her."

She didn't know a kitsune could sigh, but he did. "It isn't right, and we all know it." He looked back at the group and shook his head. "But he is everywhere. He slipped in so subtly that we didn't realize it until his agents filled our streets. We don't know how to escape, how to free ourselves." He moved again, looking toward the market this time. "We're all here to pray for your success."

The others hugged Sumiko and Namid turned, frowning to see Hoshi on Astrid's shoulder.

He made his way to the front with a steadiness that Astrid could see through. He somehow kept his fear in check, not showing it until he reached his wife and looked down at Hoshi.

"They have Haru," Astrid whispered.

Namid cringed and gave Hoshi an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, my friend. We'll do the best we can to see her free."

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