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The gang decided to spend their free weekend at K-Ghoul, mostly so Velma could start a conspiracy board without her mother getting involved. Everyone stood around a corkboard she set up, save for Shaggy who was sitting on the couch. Velma took a few steps back, holding a pointer as she stared at her conspiracy board, smiling at the current state of it.

On the board was four pictures, the one from the locket Daphne found of Brad Chiles and Judy Reeves, a photo of a young Pericles Vogel, another of the Darrow family, and finally one of an envelope with Mr. E's insignia on it.

"Okay, kids, lay it on." Angel spoke, smiling as herself and Glory entered the room, "And don't hold out on us."

Velma nodded, "Okay... here are the clues we have so far that we know are linked to the curse of the haunted treasure." She started, "One: the locket we found in the Crystal Cove caves, which has the picture of Brad Chiles and Judy Reeves from the original Mystery Incorporated inside." She pointed at the picture, "Two: Professor Pericles Vogel, also a member of the original Mystery Incorporated who escaped from prison and vanished without a trace." Then she pointed at that photo.

"An animal prison, might I add." Lydia brought up as she flopped down onto a chair, "Something I still haven't been able to figure out." When Velma sent her a look, opening her mouth, Lydia quickly nodded, "And yes, I have been avidly searching for answers since no one else wants to." She frowned.

"Alright, and three: the Darrow family, who disappeared, along with their mansion, nearly 75 years ago. Which leads us to four: Mr. E, a mysterious ally who's been leaving us clues to help solve this mystery... which we still haven't managed to solve." Velma continued, pointing at the mentioned photos.

Angel took a step forward, holding up a small book, "Mr. E left this on our doorstep last night." She explained, Daphne taking it from her with a confused look, "Weird, it doesn't have the standard letter 'E' stamped on the front." She flipped open the book, clearing her throat before reading it aloud, "Dear Diary, man, I dig Ricky. Last night, I fantasized that he took me in his big, strong arms on a magic carpet ride all the way to the mysterious perfumed gullies of Romancylvania."

Shaggy, Fred and Scooby-Doo all made noises of disgust as Lydia coughed back a laugh, "Romancylvania, that's a good one..." She smiled behind her hand.

"This belonged to Cassidy Williams of the original Mystery Incorporated." Daphne gasped, "Try the last entry before they disappeared." Angel piped up, glancing to Glory who had a look of amusement on her face as she looked back at Angel.

Daphne flipped through the diary, landing on the last entry, "Dear Diary, in our quest to find the cursed treasure, we leave tonight, to search the site of the old Darrow Mansion." As she read, everyone else moved to surround her in a huddle.

"That's weird... The papers said they disappeared from the Crystal Cove caves!" Velma frowned, everyone turning their attention back to Angel and Glory as the latter pressed a few buttons into a GPS, "The Darrow mansion stood where Darrow College is now." She signed, handing the GPS to Lydia.

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Lydia was last to walk into the boiler room of the Darrow University, following behind the gang because she's seen enough horror movies where bad stuff happens in the boiler room, "The boiler room is the lowest point in the entire college. If the mansion is underneath, this will be the best access point." Velma explained.

"Start searching, gang!" Fred smiled, everyone glancing around, "If we're lucky, we'll find a subtle clue that will help us. Be patient, though, this could take hours of careful-" "I found something!" Daphne cut off Velma, everyone moving to stand behind Daphne and Fred as they push a large crate out of the way.

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