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authors note: guys can you tell i rlly don't care for this episode i literally took forever to write it!! like it's a fun story but also it is not a top 10 episode for me.

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Lydia had decided to take her skateboard to school rather than wait for Fred to show up and pick her up. He usually ran late or took longer routes to school, hoping for a mystery to pop up so they wouldn't have to attend classes.

So she was very confused to arrive at school and spot the Mystery Machine already parked outside. There was still a good thirty minutes before class started, so why was the gang already here?

Lydia held onto her skateboard as she ducked through the halls, stopping for a second at the end of the science wing when she spotted the rest of the gang- their excitable blond leader pressing his face to the window of a classroom.

"Someone could've told me Fred actually wanted to go to class today." Lydia commented as she approached, everyone looking at her either annoyed or bored. "We have a new biology teacher." Velma spoke shortly, "And Fred's apparently a huge fan."

Finally Fred looked away from the classroom, "Doctor Rick Spartan!" He grinned as Lydia slowly nodded, brain trying to recognize the name before coming up empty, head slowly starting to shake as she looked confused.

"He gets out of traps." Shaggy added as though that was all that was needed. It was, Lydia quietly letting out a 'ohhh' as she went back to nodding.

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The new biology teacher screamed as he threw himself against the blackboard, he'd decided the best way to introduce himself to his students was to re-enact an adventure he had recently, along with the fight against a monster he met.

"The Headless Horror had me pinned against the wall!" Doctor Rick Spartan narrated, one of his hands pushing on his chest to pin himself, "It punched me again and again and again-" He grunted as he mimed punching himself, "It picked me up by the throat and threw me to the ground!!" He then grabbed himself by the throat before throwing himself to the ground, hidden behind the table at the front of the room, "It stomped on me over and over and over!!"

Lydia was shoved up against the wall at the table her and the gang sat at. Fred didn't actually have biology this rotation, but he insisted he'd join the rest of the gang on meeting Rick Spartan.

"Both my arms were broken!" The teacher continued with narrating as he stood up, letting his arms hang like they were really broken, "I had 16 fractured ribs." He added which made Lydia grimace, a hand raising to her own ribs.

"What did you do?" Fred grinned, excited like a kid in a candy store as Rick looked at him for a brief second, "Do? The only thing I could do. I kicked it right in the face! Kapow-ee!! Hyah!!"

He moved quickly, kicking across the room, "It stumbled back, giving me just enough time to climb up the rope using only my left pinkie."

Fred gasped, "No way!" He smiled wide, glancing towards Daphne and Lydia. The redhead gave him a polite smile in return as Lydia gave a thumbs up, nodding once. "But, that's the way it goes, when you live a life of adventure. Right, Cachinga?"

Attention was turned to a man standing near the door. He was dressed similar to Rick, an outfit that Lydia would first imagine when told to imagine a jungle adventurer. "If you say so..." The man sighed tiredly, adjusting the hold he had on a spear. Lydia was fairly certain his name wasn't actually Cachinga.

"Now listen up! I don't know much about biology. So, if you want to know what a spleen is you go and read a book. But, if you want to know how to escape the clutches of an 800-pound sumo wrestler who's trying to put a poison dart in your back, then you're in the right place." Doctor Rick Spartan nodded, one hand smacking the top of the table he stood behind, smirking proudly at each student, "Class dismissed."

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