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"Then, a system of pulleys connected to a counter weight looped through that tree and this flagpole will drag that hot dog cart-" "Hot dogs?" Scooby-Doo cut Fred off, excitedly looking around as the blond shook his head, "Stay with me, Scoob." "Nobody's with you, Fred." Velma frowned.

Daphne sighed, shrugging a bit as she was inclined to agree, "It is a pretty complicated trap..." "That's exactly why it will work!" Fred smiled before sighing, shoulders dropping, "Sometimes, it's like I'm all alone out here."

Lydia was leaning against the wall as Fred went over his plan to trap the latest monster terrorizing Crystal Cove, the Piranha-Goat. Honestly, not the scariest thing they've gone up against, yet also not the most plain either. "Zoinks!" Shaggy called out, peeking his head around the corner to the front doors of City Hall, "Ha ha! It's the Piranha-Goat!" He pointed around the corner, everyone joining him in leaning past the wall.

Fred held onto a rope, grinning confidently, "And we've got him right where we want him." He hummed, yanking at the rope only for nothing to happen. He pulled on it a few more times as he frowned, "Hey, what's wrong with this thing?" He complained.

"The creeps getting away." Lydia piped up, everyone else watching worriedly as the Piranha-Goat bleated, leaping over the steps to City Hall to start running down the sidewalk. It didn't get far before sirens were heard, bright lights blinding the monster and making it stop in it's tracks. "Going somewhere, Piranha-Goat?" Sheriff Bronson Stone questioned, stepping out of his police cruiser and in front of the blinding headlights.

"B-b-b-busted..." The monster bleated, shame written on it's gross face as the gang left their hiding place. "Good thing Sheriff Stone showed up..." Velma sighed. The man of the hour nodded, grinning ever slightly, "Well you're darn tootin'! I've told you kids a thousand times; you leave the crime busting to the crime-busters." He pointed a finger at them as his other hand pulled out handcuffs from his belt.

He then turned to the monster, holding them up, "Piranha-Goat, you're coming with me." He then motioned for the Piranha-Goat to turn around, which it started doing.

"Ooh, my trap's working!" Fred happily chirped, the gang turning to look with wide eyes and some mumbled 'oh no's. The hot dog cart went wheeling by them, though not before Shaggy and Scooby managed to snag a few hot dogs from it.

Everyone, Sheriff Stone and the Piranha-Goat included, paused to watch as the trap was set off, resulting in the Sheriff getting swept up in a net, which continued moving to trap Mystery Incorporated before pulling up into the air, leaving everyone crammed together. "Told you it would work!" Fred beamed. Lydia was stuck somewhere on the edge of the heap, pressed up against the net with Fred's back to her front. Very uncomfortable when he was 90% back bones.

"La-aay-ter!" The Piranha-Goat grinned up at them, waving slightly before starting to run away.

Loud, menacing laughter rang out in the street, the sound of a horse clopping as it brought its rider towards the fleeing monster. Everyone trapped in the net gasped, stuck watching as the Piranha-Goat tried running in the other direction, only for the newcomer to take out an electric lasso and successfully throw it around the monster.

From the shadows the horse and it's rider emerged. The horse appeared to be a neon green skeleton horse, while the rider was considerably less monstrous, only a good three quarters of his face disfigured and showing only bone. He continued laughing loudly as the lasso tripped up the Piranha-Goat, turning around to start dragging the monster away.

"See ya around, Sheriff."

"It can't be... Dead Justice... He's returned." Sheriff Stone gasped.

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