Chapter 1: Me, Myself, and I.

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"ABRIELLE!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed out to my older sister. "Abrielle... Abrielle... Abrielle... Hey Abrielle!" "WHAT!?" She screamed. "Where are you going?" "With Shane to meet Taylor" she said. "Can I come?" "NO!" She yelled at me. I smacked my lips "Why!?" "Because you're too young!" "What do you mean? I'm seventeen!" "And So?" She said shrugging. "Are we really doing this? I'm basically an Adult!" I said. "Mhm.." Was all she said. "So can I go?" "No!" "But-" "No" "I-" "No!" "Abrielleeee!" I whined. "No Krystle!" And with that, she walked out. I stomped behind her and opened the door "THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!" I yelled. "YOU LITTLE-" Abrielle started but I slammed the door in her face. I stomped back and I sat on the stairs and pouted. I'm always home alone, My older brother Shane, and my older sister Abrielle are always leaving me here so Shane can meet up with his gang buddies. And the Reason Abrielle tags along is because she's Dating Taylor Lautner, Shane's best friend.

The name is Krystle Waters. I'm seventeen and a half, and this being alone at home all the time this goes on everyday. Parents are dead, they died when I was a baby, so it's only my older siblings and I. My twenty three yrs old brother, Shane, and my twenty yrs old Sister, Abrielle. People describe me as Rebellious because Stay in trouble in school, but c'mon! I'm definitely not the only one that get's in trouble at school.

After twenty minutes of sulking on the stairs. I dragged myself up to my room and Flopped on my bed. I reached under my pillow and pulled out my Green, peace sign Journal and turned to a new page.

Dear Mom:

Again, Shane and Abrielle left me alone for the fifth time this week. It's pretty frickin annoying! I'm almost eighteen and yet they still treat me like I'm twelve . They're going to have to realize that I'm growing up, I can handle things now. They can't treat me like a little girl forever you know?

I just wish you were actually here to respond.

Shane nor Abrielle still won't tell me how you guys died, but I'll find out. But I wish you and Dad were around to keep me company during these times. We would have played board games, watch movies, and then you would've made dinner and Dad, Shane, Abrielle, and I would rush to the table and eat your delicious food. Like I see on TV everyday.

I miss you...

I wish you guys didn't have to leave me...


I closed my book and placed it back under my pillow. I wiped my face from the tears that have fallen as I was writing. I sighed then I heard the front door opened followed by multiple voices talking. "Who the hell..?" I trailed off as I ran downstairs. I'm not surprised. Shane and His Gang buddies. "Hey!" I called out to get their attention. They all looked at me. "Go upstairs Pipsqueak!" Shane said. "I'M NOT THAT SHORT!!!" I yelled. I'll admit, I'm tiny. I'm 4ft'11. He laughed. "What is she? Like ten?" I heard one of his friends say "Yes" Shane joked. "NO! I'm seventeen in a half. Not ten!" "Don't you have Homework to do?" Shane said. I burst into Hysterical laughter. Homework? Who does homework these days?

I saw the seriousness in his eyes. "Oh shit, you're forreal?" I asked more seriously, he nodded. "Oh... I did it" I said lying through my mortal soul. "Krystle..." Abrielle warned. "I did it!" Lie. "Alright" Abrielle said. "So um, can I stay down here with you guys?" "Bye Krystle" Shane said. "But-" he cut me off with his famous Glare. People feared my brother, he has that 'Don't fuck with me' look and almost no one ever tried anything with him. But little did he know, that look is played out to me.

I rolled my eyes, and smirked at him "you don't scare me Shanel." "Krystle!" He gritted through his teeth. His gang members laughed. "Alright, alright, Fine. I'll leave.. Es Stupido" I mumbled.

"I heard that!" Shane said.

"I don't care!" I snapped.

I started to head upstairs but in the middle of the stairway, an idea hit me. Abrielle is Dating Taylor. Taylor is Shane's best friend and is also apart of the Brooklyn Bangers. She gets to stay downstairs. Date a gang member, stay downstairs. It all makes perfect sense! I turned on my heels to walk back downstairs, but that sadly failed because I slipped and fell down.

"Damn Krystle! You okay?" Abrielle asked. "Yeah, I turned back around so I could get some water." I said getting up. I lied, I just needed an excuse, now I need another one. "Who else wants water?" I came up with, that gave me a chance to look at the members I never met. And they were fine as hell! Except for that 1 girl. "I Do!" Ray said. "Me too!" JB added. "and So Do I" Taylor said. I nodded and went into the kitchen. I peeked my head back out to take a look at the members, one caught my eye. Kind eyes, killer smile, and curly hair made into an afro. "What the fuck are staring at?" Shane asked. The mystery guy eyes darted towards me. He noticed I was staring at him and smirked. "Oh um.. Just wondering if.. You! Shane, wanted some water, I can get you some?" I said not taking my eyes off the mystery guy. "Naw, I'm good, Bullet you want some?" Shane asked the mystery guy. Shane didn't notice us staring at each other. "Yeah, I want some" He said licking his lips. We never broke our intense stare off. "Alright" I said mimicking his smirk. That made him smirk grow. He's sexy, I want him. "Need Help?" Bullet asked. "Sure" I said smiling. I saw The Girl look at me, over to Bullet, then back to me. I made a weird face at herthen walked into the kitchen, Bullet followed. "So you're the famous Krystle that Shane always complaining about" He said. So the bastard talk shit about me, how disrespectful. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "Boy please, If anyone should be complaining, It should be me."

"About what?" "How Shane and you guys just take over the front room, and I'm forced to go in my room." "Mad or Nah?" He said licking his lips. I smirked. "Nah! But it is irritating, so how old are you? Sixteen? Seventeen?" "Nineteen" He said proudly. "Oh, you're younger than what I usually go for" I said. Dammit! There I go lying again. He raised an eyebrow "oh yeah, what do you usually go for?" "Twenty" I answered with that little voice in my head thats screaming: "LIES! NOTHING BUT LIES COME FROM YOU!!!!" But I ignored it. "So you go for the pedophiles? I bet they fuck your tiny ass up!" "Actually no, I'm still a virgin" I said. His eyes got wide. "I don't believe you." "Believe it baby" I said.

"Well, you know if you started fucking with me, I'll change that." He just said the perfect words. "Oh Really?" "Yeah, you'll get dicked down everyday" Bullet said. "HA! Boy, Stop it with the empty promises, actions speak louder than words. And you just been speaking words" I said.

He turned away and smiled to himself. Next thing I knew, I felt a pair of hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him. He bit his lip and his eyes flickered to my lips. His left hand rubbed against my left leg and he lifted it up so he could completely close the space between us. He winked and started to suck on my neck. A gasped escaped my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he continued to nip at my neck. I felt his teeth graze over my skin before he bit down hard. I slight moan came out of ny mouth.

"Bullet.." I whispered. I was trying to get him to stop but my body didn't respond the way i wanted to. His other hand started traveling. It stopped at my boobs and he grouped them. I heard him groan in approval. His hand continued to travel lower. His hand gently rubbed over my -I Dare Not Say- which cause me to gasp and buck my knees together. He pulled away from my neck smirking devilishly. "You really are a Virgin" he whispered in my ear. He softly kissed the tender spot of my neck and bit his lip. "Nice Hickey" He smirked before taking 3 cups and walking out. I slowly reached up and touch the spot he kissed and winced. I smirked to myself.

I found the perfect person!

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