Chapter 2: The Set Up

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Finally, a good site. Not far off the Malus river, plenty of tree cover, lake nearby, and plenty of foliage. It's three-thirty, it'll be dark soon, better set up. After a few hours of setting up I have my tent, fire ring, fire ring shelter, and rain catcher set up. As I was setting up I could have sworn I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. Mind must be playing tricks on me. I've been awake for a good while now. I should get some rest and eat. I have enough food to survive for a few days but after that i'll have to start hunting. It's five now, I think some rest will do me some good.

3:28 AM

It's three twenty-eight, there was a strange rustle outside my tent just now. Some sounds I've never heard before. That's when the whispering started. I could barely make out a sentence, "Mus–, leav–, this, forest." the surrounding woods seemed to echo. As I crawl to my shut tent flap the sounds only get louder and more rasp. Louder and louder they got seeming more angered as I inched closer. I grab the zipper and snatch the flap open. Silence. It all was so quiet...nothing but a lone buck at the end of my lamp light. The buck heard me open the flap and stared at me for a while, trying to figure me out. It feels like forever we sit there, staring into each other's eyes, his head moving from side to side slowly, the atmosphere was thick. After an eternity he decided I was a part of the environment and trotted off, maybe he'll pay a visit when I'm more prepared. I check my watch to see how long I had till daylight, three forty-four. Witches hour, this may not be a bad dream. I'll try to get some rest after this horrific experience.

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