Am I dead Yet?

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I turned to where the soft, quiet voice was coming from, I put the gun down, noticing a darked haired girl, looked very pale, bags under her eyes, dressed in all black.

"Don't do it," Her soft voice said to me again, sending shivers down my spine, there was something about her.

Yet everytime I closed my eyes, I still saw Lydia.

She's waiting. Can't let her down now.

I was about to put the gun back to my temple, when she sat down next to me, "I don't know if you care, but if you're doing it then I'm going next."

"No." I said to her, I didn't want anyone else harmed, I'm leaving for a good cause.

"What's your name?" She questioned me, "Michael."

"My name is Alisha."

"I didn't ask for your name," I said as I put the gun down.

Something made me wanna wait.

Just a little.

She was sitting on her knees next to me, when I looked at her I noticed her shinning green-grey eyes, looking at me with some sort of emotion, pity.

"I don't need your pity. Just go and let me finish the only job I can muster." I told her as I looked back at Lydia's stone.

"The look in my eyes is not pity. Its sadness." She answered.

"I don't need that either. I'm going, she's waiting." I snapped at her.

"Lydia? I bet she wouldn't want you to give up so fast." She said kindly.

"You don't know her. Don't talk about her as if you do." I snapped.

"Why are you doing this?" She questioned.

"Why do you care?" I snapped once again.

"Who says I do."

I looked her straight in the eye, "Then why are you here?"

"That's non of your buisiness."

I raised one eyebrow at her as she got up to leave, that's it? I thought to myself.

She was getting further away as I looked at her astonighing beauty visible only because of the street lights in this dark hour.

I didn't know what happened but I put the gun back inside the back of my jeans and went after her.

Why am I doing this?

I don't even know.

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