4 | ❝Cut the Cake❞ - A Business Proposal

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✎ iv. cut the cake

You had never kept a secret from your husband before

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You had never kept a secret from your husband before. He was way too good at figuring them out if you tried, and he would also bribe you with gifts until you finally spilled. It was hard to keep a secret from someone so handsome, and everytime you tried, you eventually felt guilty about it.

So, it was no surprise that he figured out you were pregnant before you could even tell him yourself. Maybe your cravings had been a little too weird to dismiss, but you had thought you were doing well hiding everything. That thought was destroyed when at breakfast, Taemoo had asked you with a completely straight face how far along you were.

You had really really wanted to surprise him. It was the start of your family with him, and a monumental moment in both of your lives. Since the pregnancy surprise went down the drain, you decided that you would go all out on the gender reveal. Taemoo deserved a surprise, and you knew he was eager to find out so he could start buying clothes and toys and all the other cute, completely unnecessary, and absurdly expensive baby things he could find.

The man had money to spend.

Your doctor had called you while you were relaxing on the couch next to your husband, catching up on morning cuddles before he had to leave for work. He knew it was the call to tell you the gender of the baby immediately. He tried hard to hear what the doctor was telling you until you had to lean away from him out of fear. As soon as you hung up, he had you back in his arms, though.

"So? Boy or girl?" He asked excitedly.

"As if I would tell you immediately." You giggled, feeling somehow superior now that you knew something he didn't. He gasped once he realised that you were completely serious in keeping it from him and were determined to not spill.

"Sweetheart, what if I made you buldok? I know you've been craving spicy foods. Would you tell me then?" He gave you a sweet smile, hugging you a little closer, eyes shining, begging you to give in. Bribery. It was always his first tactic.

"Hm... I don't think that will be enough? I've already planned for a gender reveal party with the help of Sunghoon. I think you'd rather find out then." You said teasingly.

"You think I would rather find out then? You mean you would rather tell me then." He sighed, releasing you from his arms in a swift movement.

"Hey, hey-" You pushed yourself against his chest again, "Just because I won't tell you doesn't mean you can slack off on cuddle duty." You mumbled, pulling his hands to wrap around you again.

He smiled, "Alright. Just because my wife is so cute, hm?" You smiled up at him, leaning in to give a quick kiss to his lips. He sighed in content. There wasn't any better way to start the morning than this.

⎯ ୨୧ ⎯

You knew how cruel you were being to your husband. He reminded you of it daily with big pouts and pleading to at least give him a hint. You told him that he could wait two days for the party. That hardly stopped his attempts to get you to tell him, though.

Today was the day of the party, and Taemoo seemed to be in an especially happy mood because of it. He always liked to pamper you, but he was really outdoing himself this morning. He prepared a warm bath for you and made you a fancy breakfast (he never let the cooking skills go to waste), he even picked your outfit for you because he knew how often you stressed over how you looked.

Sunghoon had already made sure everything was set up by the time you and Taemoo arrived. A nice outdoor party, nothing too fancy, but still elegant and happy. You would let your husband cut a cake to find out the gender, since you thought it was a cute way to find out, plus all the guests could enjoy the cake afterwards.

"Are you ready to find out?" You asked him, pulling him to a secluded side of the garden, away from the prying guests who were eager to find out more about the new baby of Go Food's CEO.

"I've been ready for weeks." He pointed out, slipping his arms around your waist, hand resting on your little bump, just starting to show. Taemoo thought it was one of the cutest things on earth.

"The guests are also impatient. Go cut the cake." You urged him with a laugh.

After a quick and impromptu speech to the party guests, you handed Taemoo a cake knife and the guests clapped in anticipation. Taemoo was sure he had never been this nervous in his entire life. The knife glided through the layers of delicate frosting and soft crumb, carefully taking one piece out, the colour inside was pink.

Taemoo grinned at you, laughter soon creeping up on him from how happy he was. He was getting a baby girl— another princess in the house that he could pamper and spoil as much as he wanted. It was more than he could ever ask for.

He grabbed your wrist to pull you closer for a kiss, pouring so much love into it that it made your heart flutter. His hand held your waist gently, pulling you even closer to him, thanking you for being the best thing to ever happen to him. He loved you earnestly, and he would never stop.

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