10 | ❝Perfect Reunions❞ - Alchemy of Souls

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✎ x. perfect reunions

"What!? He's back?!" Your eyes widened and you practically bounced up at hearing the words from one of the servants

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"What!? He's back?!" Your eyes widened and you practically bounced up at hearing the words from one of the servants. You had barely even heard the name of your lover since he had left 3 years ago, and after a couple of months, you had even stopped receiving letters despite his promise to you that he would keep sending them.

You were already rushing out of the house the second you processed the words. "Ma'am, I have been informed that Young Master Seo Yul is staying at Chwiseonru. He arrived this afternoon."

It was already dark out and entirely improper for you to be travelling alone at this time, but you felt like you didn't have a single second to spare to call for Eunju, your maid. It took 20 minutes to get to Chwiseonru from your family's home, but with your hurried steps, you made it in half the time. Juwol knew you well and already could tell what had brought you here from your slight panting as you struggled to catch your breath.

"Y/n! You're out so late? Without Eunju?" She sounded concerned, but she understood your urgency. There had barely been a mention of Yul after the chaos at Choyeon's wedding 3 years ago. You had been too preoccupied with helping your best friend through her mourning and anger to even say a proper goodbye to him.

Now that things were as back to normal as they could get, you were desperate to see the face you had longed for every night and day for so long. Juwol didn't dawdle any longer before disclosing which room Yul was staying in, and you were quick to rush up the stairs and down the hall.

Standing in front of the door, you were hit with a sudden nervousness. You had been separated for so long, but now were only a room apart. It only took one push for you to see his face again. His beautiful face that you had missed so much.

But doubt filled you as you stalled there, standing just outside like the fool you were. What if he had forgotten you? What if he had found someone else in his time away? What if he didn't want to see you?

But you shook all your thoughts aside and with your last bit of courage, knocked softly on the door.


Your heart raced at the sound of his voice, and it suddenly all felt a little more real. He really was back. He was just behind this door. You pushed it open a little shakily, feeling almost as if you couldn't breathe as you watched his eyes look up to meet yours.

He was dressed in a simple light purple set of hanbok and his hair was maybe a little longer than you had last seen, his eyes a little more worn with experience. They held a drowsiness which you knew all too well, and with a quick glance at the table he sat at, you acknowledged the bottle of wine he had been drinking.

His eyes widened as soon as he saw you, and you swore they even brightened upon seeing your face. He stood up quickly, but he was clearly very drunk, and he stumbled a bit. You rushed over to him like it was second nature, steadying him before he could trip.

"I-I'm not dreaming, right? I-It's really you, right?" He spoke softly, his words slurring together slightly as a result of the alcohol. His hands gripped at your arms to keep from falling, and your heart nearly shattered at his question. His voice was filled with hurt, but unmistakable hope as well, and all you could do was nod your head fervently at first.

"You're not dreaming... It's me." You whispered with a sob. You finally gave up trying to keep you both standing, and sunk to the floor slowly, tears already slipping out and down your cheeks.

Yul was no more collected than you. Whether it was the alcohol or just the result of seeing you, you weren't sure; but his eyebrows fell, and his lip began to tremble, and before too long, he was weeping silently in your arms as well.

That's how you stayed for several minutes. Both of you were too emotional to say anything without breaking down halfway through the sentence, so you just stayed in his arms, sobbing into his chest as he pulled you ever closer, his tears dripping down onto the silk of your dress.

It took a while for you to recover, but eventually, you did. You took a shaky breath, gathering enough energy to be the first one to speak. And even though you could talk without being reduced to tears halfway through, your words were still shaky with emotion.

"Why did you drink alone? You should've invited me..." You looked up at him and offered a sad smile. He tried to return it, but couldn't quite. He shut his eyes as another tear slipped out. You reached out silently and brushed it off his cheek, leaving your hand there to cup his warm skin. He leaned into your touch and it seemed to ground him enough to find the words he wanted.

"I know I should've told you that I was returning... But I was scared." He opened his eyes and met your loving gaze with his sorrowful one. "A few months after I left, I found out some of my letters had been intercepted by my father. I realized you must've thought that I... moved on from you."

He looked down for a moment, collecting his thoughts. He was somehow so well-spoken even while drunk. You weren't sure what you had expected, though. He was Seo Yul, after all. You hadn't realized just how much you had missed him.

"Y/n." He said softly. You smiled. Hearing your name from his lips was all you had longed for for those 3 years. "I have so much to tell you, and even more that I want to ask. But first... How have you been, my love?" He smiled gently, finally being able to call you that after so long.

You were quickly able to catch up with your lover. He told you about everything that had happened back home while you shared the rest of the wine. You didn't have much to tell him. Most of the time he had been away from you had been spent at home, with you thinking of rarely anything but him.

You found out that he hadn't stopped writing letters to you, he had just stopped sending them. He had even brought them with him, but he refused to show you. They were useless now that he had you back.

In some ways it still felt like a dream that he was here. Yet it couldn't be a dream because you felt his arms around you, hugging you as close as humanly possible. It still didn't feel close enough for either of you, though.

As he talked, you couldn't help but press more and more kisses to any skin you could access— his neck, his jaw, his cheek, and even his lips. He allowed you to cut off his sentences to kiss you instead. You had 3 years to make up for, after all.

It felt too perfect to be kissing him, to feel his soft lips against yours, and to feel the relief that you didn't have to stop or say goodbye. He was here and he was yours.

And with that thought, you kissed him as if there was no tomorrow. You wanted to savour the moment for as long as possible, so even when you had to pull apart to catch your breath, it was never too long before your lips found their way to his again. It was after you pulled apart for the 3rd or 4th time that Yul spoke up.

"Y/n... marry me."

You were taken aback at his sudden words. It didn't even really sound like a question, because he already knew your answer. He was firm in the statement, determined even, and you smiled wider than you had ever had before.

You nodded at him with shiny eyes, watching in awe as his lips curved up into a smile, eyes almost overflowing with his love for you. You laughed and kissed him again. You knew he would probably ask you again the next day when he was sober because "nothing counts when you're drunk", and that you would say yes again to that as well. It brought a warm feeling to your chest. You really couldn't think of a time that you were happier than in the current moment.

Everything felt so good and right and perfect. That's what Yul was to you in every way.

Absolutely, unmistakably, decidedly perfect.

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