5 | ❝I'm Right Here❞ - At A Distance, Spring is Green

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✎ v. i'm right here

Jun had been doing better than ever

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Jun had been doing better than ever. After struggling through freshman year, he knew that sophomore year couldn't be any worse. After all, what did he have to worry about? He had his true friends, Sobin and Soohyun, by his side. And he had you always there to support him, to love him. To be honest, he felt like he could take on the world some days.

But, the thing about trauma is that it never goes away. There's no way to erase what happened in the past, or pretend like it didn't happen. Jun could ignore it— he was very good at that, pretending to be fine. Jun's past haunted him every single day. It was always there in the back of his mind. He could focus on other things, his friends, you, having fun, being kind to people, smiling... but it was always there.

You had learned over the months of dating him that it came out the most at night when he didn't have anything else to think about. Lying there in bed prompted his brain to think about it over and over again. He hated it. He would have dreams about it, too. Getting beaten in that room. His father yelling. His screaming and crying. And the pain. He would wake up in tears, heaving and shaking.

You had only been there for it once, late at night when Jun had passed out before you, and you were planning to leave, but couldn't quite get yourself to leave his side. So you stayed in the kitchen, quietly peeking at him sleeping every so often, cooing at his cute face and fluffy hair. You were glad you had stayed that night, because he had woken up not much later.

It scared you, seeing him so distressed. His comments that day told you that he was somewhat used to the nightmares. "I'll be okay", "I've dealt with it before", "Don't worry", "It's fine". Those words flowed so easily out of his mouth that day, as if you were the one who needed to be reassured. But when he said it was fine, you knew he was lying. You could see it in his face, in his soft doe eyes filled with fear.

After a couple months of dating, and by drunken chance, you had properly slept over for the first time. Jun was a big cuddler, which you loved. He slept like a baby when you were around. As long as he was in your arms, he felt safe. You found you slept better with him all curled up beside you, as well. His soft breathing helped you relax, made you happy.

You stumbled through the door to Jun's apartment, discarding your bag and shoes as fast as you could before you no longer had the will to keep your eyes open. You were absolutely drained. It was past 2 am. Your stupid boss had kept you overtime to do a deep cleaning even though you had done overtime for your coworkers too many times to count.

But, you were home now, and that's what mattered. Though you hadn't officially moved in with Jun, you spent more time at his apartment than your own at this point. Half your clothes and things had migrated over to his shelves and closet. You joked that you were like a married couple. Jun responded with teasing, as always.

"What are we, a married couple?"

"We could be. What's your ring size?"


You smiled at the thought, hurrying through your nighttime routine to get to bed and be close to Jun again. You had barely been able to text him all day. It would be best to get to sleep as fast as you could so you could wake up to him next to you.

You found him already fast asleep just like you expected. Curled up under the covers. You noticed he was hugging one of your pillows which made your face break out into an uncontrollable smile. He was such a cutie. You slid under the covers, making sure not to disturb him. You lay on your side, watching his sleeping face for a minute before your eyes flickered shut on their own and sleep overtook your tired body.

Jun shifted around in his sleep, eyebrows furrowing and sweat building as the scenes replayed in his head. He was right there, watching it unfold over and over again. He hated it. It was torturous. No matter how fast he moved, he could never reach the door quick enough before his younger self was dragged through and screams were all he could hear.

He gasped, eyes opened wide, chest heaving. He knew it would happen tonight. He predicted it. He had been feeling overwhelmed all day with texts from his mother who had gone to see his father for reasons he could never understand. It stressed him out more than he could say. He should've mentioned it to you, but you were so busy with work he couldn't bring himself to.

But now, here he was, unable to calm down. It was like some creeping terror was creeping up through his body, through his stomach and up, up, up until it reached his neck and he couldn't breathe. His vision felt clouded and the tears dripping down his cheeks certainly didn't help him calm down.

He needed something to ground him.

"Baby?" Your voice sounded soft and a little groggy, and knowing that you were there only made Jun cry harder. You quickly pulled him into your arms, knowing your touch could calm him down eventually. "It's okay, Jun. I'm right here." You kept whispering soft words to him, patting his back gently, pressing soothing kisses to his forehead and hair. The sound of his choked back sobs was your least favourite sound in the world. Your heart felt like it cracked into a million pieces, and you hugged him a bit tighter.

You heard his breath stabilise just a bit and you breathed a sigh of relief. Gently cupping his face in your hands, you pulled back from the hug just enough to look at him. You wiped his tears and fluffed his hair, calling him cute until he eventually broke out into a smile.

"I hate seeing you cry." You mumbled sadly. Jun nodded, whispering a soft "sorry". You shushed him immediately, "It's not your fault, baby. It's never your fault."

"Thank you." The words came out in a soft way that made your heart melt on the spot. You absolutely adored the boy in front of you. "C-can we cuddle?" He asked shyly, face a little puffy from crying making him look 10 times cuter.

You giggled, hands automatically moving to squish his cheeks adoringly. He let you, staying still and just staring at you with his big eyes. "Of course, whatever you want." You told him and then pressed a kiss to his nose, making him scrunch it up from the ticklish feeling.

"I love you." He said, arms circling your waist and hugging you to him in a way that made you giggle until he was laughing too.

"I love you more, you know?"

"No- No, I don't know." He quickly protested before grinning.

"I do!" You persisted, savouring his boyish smile, lighting up his features, bringing butterflies to your stomach.

He giggled and then suddenly his lips attached to yours, softly moving against them until you welcomely kissed him back. Even when you pulled back from the kiss, Jun whined and pulled you closer again, reconnecting your lips.

You giggled and pulled away, speaking before Jun could occupy your lips again, "You just want kisses tonight, don't you?"

He nodded quickly, humming in affirmation, "Will you give me more kisses? Wanna kiss you more." He mumbled with a smile.

"Come here."

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