11 | ❝The Best Voice In Daeho❞ - Alchemy of Souls

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✎ xi. the best voice in daeho

 the best voice in daeho╚══════════════════╝

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"You never told me you could sing." You said softly from the doorway, gazing fondly into the room where your husband sat, flipping through a spell book. He looked up with wide eyes, his cheeks dusting a light pink. He hadn't realized that you had been watching him for the past 10 minutes.

"I can't." He shook his head, acting as if he hadn't just been absent-mindedly humming one of your favourite songs.

You crossed your arms and walked over to where Yul was sitting, "I don't believe you." You insisted. Your hands rested on his shoulders, massaging them gently to work out the stress they held. Yul sighed, eyes fluttering shut.

"This is why I shouldn't allow you in the study." He muttered, though he only leaned into your touch, showing no signs of wanting you to leave.

"The door was left open, though? If anything, I think that was a sign that you were hoping I'd come in at some point." A smile grew on your face at the suggestion you were making. You and Yul both knew that he had just forgotten to close it because he had been too scatterbrained. You always kissed him before he left to work on something, leaving him flustered every time.

"I was hoping to finish reviewing this book of spells before it goes to get copied and sent to Jeongjingak..." He trailed off, tilting his head up to look at you with shining eyes. You just shrugged and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Well, I was hoping to hear more of my lovely husband's singing that he chose to hide from me for 2 years." You laughed as Yul sighed again. You knew all his weaknesses, one of the biggest of which was when you called him your husband. It made his heart melt whenever he was reminded of it— that he was really truly yours forever and ever.

After successfully working out the knots in his shoulder, you moved a little higher, your fingers gently starting to work on his neck. You had him more than distracted by the pleasant massage and he tilted his neck a little to the side so you could more easily work on it. You moved a little closer to press a kiss to the side of his neck, hearing the small hitch in Yul's breath because of it made you smile.

"I guess I'll finish this later." Yul whispered with a small smile, closing the spellbook and placing it on top of a stack of books on the table. You laughed slightly at your victory, your breath hitting Yul's neck and causing goosebumps to spread on it. You pressed one more long kiss to his adam's apple before pulling away.

"I want to hear you sing. I'm sure you'd sound so good."

"I think you should lower your expectations, my love. I've never studied how to sing." He said simply, but you shook your head.

"My expectations are extremely high, so don't disappoint me." You joked, though it wasn't entirely sarcastic. You had high expectations for everything your husband did, only because he seemed to be so good at anything he tried. He excelled in so many areas, and you would truly never get tired of seeing his proficiency. Whether it was spells, sword-fighting, bird whistling, writing letters, or kissing, he was an expert in all areas.

The last two, you were especially familiar with. You had received dozens of letters from Yul before you were engaged, and each one was as heart-fluttering as the first. As for kissing... Well, you had daily reminders that there was no one that kissed better than him.

You weren't quite sure how his lips were always so pillowy soft. In your two years of marriage, that had still stayed a mystery to you. You could daydream about the way his lips moulded with yours like an elegant dance, a perfect balance where neither was overbearing the other. He always kissed you with a gentleness that had you dizzyingly falling even deeper for him.

Yul took a breath and closed his eyes, starting to softly sing the song he was before— this time from the beginning. It started out slow, deep honey-like notes blending together to create a glorious melody. His voice was soft and gentle; exactly what you would've expected from him. But it was somehow so much more than you could've imagined.

It wasn't just soft, it was rich as well. As the song progressed to its chorus and the notes climbed higher and higher, he didn't falter. His high notes sounded just as clear and perfect as his low notes did, and you quickly fell into the trance his voice had created. You wanted to hear him sing forever now that you had discovered this hidden treasure.

The song came to an end far too quickly, though you were sure he had been singing for at least four minutes. But four minutes just wasn't enough— you craved more of the intoxicatingly sweet sound of his voice. He blinked open his eyes and smiled shyly at you.

"I hope it didn't disappoint you?" He asked, still a little embarrassed about singing in front of you for the very first time. Of all the people on the earth, he wanted to impress you the most. He knew you were already his, and even if he failed at something it wouldn't change your image of him, but the satisfaction of pleasing you was something he never got enough of.

"I didn't know I married the man with the best voice in Daeho."

Yul flushed at your comment, "I'm sure I don't have the best voice in Daeho."

"Well, it's all subjective isn't it? And I meant it when I said it." You clarified and leaned a little closer, "Can you sing for me again?"

Yul couldn't possibly say no to you, especially not when you were looking at him with such soft love-stricken eyes. He seemed to get lost in them all too easily, glimmering as if the entire night sky of stars was captured in your irises. He leaned in slowly, not even realizing that he was drifting closer and closer to you until he felt your breath on his lips. He closed his eyes again and quickly captured your lips with his.

If it was anyone else, he would've been bothered that his work had been interrupted.

If it was anyone else, he wouldn't have believed that they were telling the truth when they said he had the best voice.

And if it was anyone else, he wouldn't have felt so shaken with the warm feeling of butterflies and comfort and adoration and love.

But it was you, so Yul didn't particularly mind you distracting him; in fact, he couldn't deny that he even liked it. Especially when it ended like this: with his lips on yours, the sweet taste of your lips ending up on his by the end of it.

"Of course I can sing more... Whatever you'd like."

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