Chapter 20: A Childlike Day

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I'm calmly drawing something while sitting on the floor in my bedroom. It's getting late so Mom should be coming in to tell me good night soon. Just as I was thinking about it almost as if she had heard my thoughts the door opens and I turn my head shocked, I didn't actually think she'd come to say goodnight, she never does, not anymore... Wait... That's not her...

"Hey kiddo." The jerk she's dating is the one who enters my room, closing the door behind him, I can hear the lock click as well. "Watcha doin?" He asks as he walks over to me.

I can feel my heart start racing, it almost makes my chest hurt. He sits down next to me and takes my drawing.

"It's nice, you're pretty talented, aren't you?" I look away from him.

My stomach is starting to turn inside out. He lays the drawing down on the ground, directly afterwards I can feel his eyes looking me up and down. Soon it wasn't just his eyes on me, his hand starts rubbing my thighs.

"Your skins always so soft and warm." He grabs onto my arm and pulls me towards him before lifting me up and setting me on his lap.

I feel so scared, so helpless.

"That's enough!" A familiar voice interrupts drawing Noah's attention to the door. Their figure is just a silhouette, but I think I know them.

"And who the hell are y-" Noah goes to say but then a lot of crimson red sprays from him which makes him stop talking. The silhouette comes over to me and gently picks me up, I feel so safe with them, so warm.

"Are you okay?" They whisper into my ear, their voice alone makes me happy, I grab onto their shirt and bury my head into their chest with a bright closed-eye smile plastered onto my face.

I open my eyes, a smile still on my face and the sweet aroma of white roses fills my lungs. I tighten my grip onto the thing in front of me and it does the same, grabbing onto the back of my dress.

"Huh?" I mutter looking up to see Helbram asleep holding me again. "Two days in a row hm?" I whisper. "I'm starting to thin you might have a crush on me Helbram." I whisper while smiling, he sighs and looks down at me. Guess he was awake too.

"Don't sound so cocky, it got cold last night. Annoying humans get sick easily, and that's the last thing I feel like dealing with right now." He lets me go but I snuggle into his chest, his breath sharpens for a moment before quickly calming down. "Something wrong?" I sigh and nod. "Nightmare?" I nod again, he sighs before he starts brushing his hand through my hair. By now he knows what the nightmare is but, this time was so different, I don't even know if I can explain it, so I just keep quiet.

We sit like this for a while before he gets up, forcing me to sit up as well. He yawns and stretches.

"Hey Helbram can I ask you something?" I ask, he turns his head to look at me, his eyes look softer today than they did yesterday. They remind me of his expression when he...

"Go ahead."

"I, uhm." I feel spacy suddenly, that memory starts replaying in my head over and over again. Helbram's laughing drags me back to reality.

"Caught up in a daydream, aye?" That smile, it's even the same one he had then. And now his eyes are all glowy like before too! What is he doing. "Are you going to ask your question or are you just going to keep staring at me in aw?" I shake my head and get up walking over to Helquin. "Hey-"

"Good morning, sleep well?" I ask Helquin, he nods his head and flaps his wings happily, I hear Helbram huff. "Hungry? Yeah, me too." I pet him. "How about we go find some breakfast together?" Helquin jumps onto my shoulder as a 'yes'. I turn around. "You want to join Helbram? Or are you going to keep pouting?" He scoffs at me. "Okay then." I float off with Helquin to go find breakfast.

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