His favourite color on you

2.1K 98 88

W/your fave again 🙈

His favourite color on you:

Aries- blue

Taurus- purple

Gemini- yellow

Cancer- orange

Leo- green

Virgo- orange

Libra- purple

Scorpio- blue


Capricorn- yellow

Aquarius- red

Pisces- pink


Woo update you guys!

Hey read my fanfic high school if you haven't already :3

QOTC: what's your favourite season?
(I might have asked this already oops)

But mine is either summer or fall. Summer cause it warm and all that shit. Or fall cause you can wear cute clothes and it's a lil chilly but not to chilly if you know what I mean.

Anyways have a good day mates xx

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