The club

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"Are you ready Ella?" Mia my best friend ask "yeah i'm are you?" I asked Mia, we were going to a club becouse we were bored and we wanted to find guys for us "yeah i'm let's go"

We arrived to the club it was huge and full of people. I was a little scared but i tried to hide it.
"you alraight?" Mia asks worried i didn't know What to answer so i just nodded. Mia and i got to the Bar desk we ordered some drinks we didn't found any free table suddently we heard "hey pretty girls come sit with us!" I turned around and saw two guys sitting the other one had blond hair and other brune they were pretty handsome so we sat down. I was sitting next to the brune haired one, we were talking about just random things but i felt wierd i felt like someone was staring at me then i saw a guy with black hair black siit and black shoes he was staring right at me. I started to feel little scared so i told the others about him

"hey guys that guy over there at that white table is scary i feel like he's been staring at me the whole time" i say and they all look at him so he looks away.
"Dont worry we are here he's not gonna do anything to you" Marcus the boy with brown hair says "yeah if he comes near you we are going to smack the shit out of him" Tom the one with blond hair says, i felt safe with they Marcus took my hand and i felt butterflys in my stomach

I really had to go to the bathroom so i went there i was waiting for the toilets to be freed and then i saw him the guy who was staring at me he came into the girls bathroom "Go inside now" he said he had a creepy deep voice i didn't understand him "Huh inside What?" I ask confused "to the bathroom stupid" i was going to leave and then the grabbed my hand and dragged me into the bathroom, he started to take my shirt off and i tried to stop him he was really handsome but i didn't like How he treated me.


i was a little worried becouse Ella went to bathroom and if something happens to her, then i saw the man who was staring at Ella went to the girls bathroom and i knew Ella was there i had to go there. I got up and rushed to the bathroom there was tree toilet cubicle "Ella Ella are you here" i yelled i didn't care if someone sees me in the girls bathroom i needed to see that Ella was okay "HERE HELP" i heard ellas beautiful soft and calm voice i opened the bathroom door i was confused why didn't they lock the door? Whatever it was just easyer to get there

I separated them and trowed a hard punch on him face and he fell to the floor his nouse started bleeding i looked at Ella and she looked so scared and sad i hugged her and asked if she was okay and she just nodded.

We left the bathroom and saw the others with worried faces Mia runned to us and hugged Ella
"What happened?" I explained the whole story and they were all hugging Ella. "I think we should leave" i say i wanted Ella to get somewhere safe. Everyone agreed and we left the club it was very dark and cold outside i could see that Ella was freezing so i gaved her my jacked.

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