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Y/n sat on the comfortable couch, her gaze fixed on the television screen. However, her mind remained clouded by the lingering words of the mysterious woman she had encountered at the mall. The woman's cryptic introduction as Y/n's friend had left her puzzled, unable to shake off the nagging feeling that there was something important she was missing.

Lost in her thoughts, Y/n barely registered her husband Taehyung's presence as he approached and settled down beside her. The warmth of his body against hers served as a gentle reminder that she wasn't alone in her inner turmoil.

Taehyung glanced at Y/n, his expressive eyes filled with concern and curiosity. He had noticed the distraction in her demeanor and wanted to offer his support.

"What's on your mind, love?" he asked softly, his voice carrying a soothing tone. "You seem lost in your thoughts."

Y/n sighed, torn between wanting to confide in Taehyung and not wanting to burden him with her own worries. But his genuine concern compelled her to share.

"I can't stop thinking about that woman I met at the mall," she admitted, her voice tinged with a mix of confusion and frustration. "She claimed to be my friend, but I have no recollection of her."

Taehyung listened attentively, his eyes fixed on Y/n's face, a mix of empathy and curiosity evident in his expression.

"That must be unsettling," he replied, his voice gentle yet steady. "It's natural to feel curious and troubled by such encounters. Maybe there's more to it than meets the eye."

Y/n nodded, grateful for his understanding. "That's what bothers me the most. The feeling that there's something important I should remember, but it's just out of reach."

Taehyung reached out and gently took her hand in his, providing a comforting presence. "Sometimes, our memories have a way of resurfacing when we least expect them to," he said, his thumb tracing circles on her palm. "Perhaps with time, the missing pieces will fall into place."

Y/n leaned her head against his shoulder, finding solace in his touch and words. "I hope you're right," she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of longing and uncertainty.

Taehyung pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, his love and support flowing through the gesture. "I'll be here with you every step of the way, Y/n," he reassured her, his voice unwavering. "We'll figure it out together."

[ Next day ]

After gently placing Jiha in her crib, Y/n couldn't help but smile as she watched her daughter sleep peacefully. She tiptoed out of the room, careful not to disturb the tranquility that had settled over their home. As she descended the stairs, her attention was drawn to Taehyung, engrossed in a phone call.

Taehyung's voice was hushed as he spoke into the phone, his expression focused and determined. Y/n quietly approached, her curiosity piqued, but she didn't want to interrupt. She observed him attentively, noticing the slight furrow in his brow and the occasional nod of affirmation.

As the call came to an end, Taehyung's gaze shifted towards Y/n, a warm smile lighting up his features. He ended the call and walked towards her, his steps filled with purpose. "Hey, Y/n," he greeted, his voice filled with affection. "Sorry about that. It was an urgent work call."

Y/n returned his smile, her heart swelling with love as she looked into his eyes. "No need to apologize, I understand the demands of your job. Is everything alright?"

Taehyung's shoulders relaxed, a sense of relief evident on his face. "It's nothing major, just some last-minute tasks that needed attention." He said

"I have to head to the office now," he said, his voice tinged with regret. "But I'll be back before you know it."

HUSBAND || KIM TAEHYUNG || V || FFWhere stories live. Discover now