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( After eight months )

After eight challenging months, Y/n finally returned to the familiar surroundings of her home. Her physical health had improved, and she seemed to be doing better, but beneath the surface, a deep well of sadness still lingered. Y/n had come to accept the harsh reality that her husband, Taehyung, and her beloved daughter, Jiha, were no longer a part of her world. She had also come to terms with the loss of the baby she had carried within her.

In many ways, Y/n appeared to be "normal" again, but her family, especially her brother Yoongi and her mother, understood that the sadness still weighed heavily on her heart. They treaded lightly around the topics of Taehyung and Jiha, knowing that any mention of their names would bring forth a torrent of tears from Y/n.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the room, Y/n sat at the kitchen table, a cup of tea in her hands. Her gaze was distant, lost in the memories of happier times.

Yoongi, who had been her rock through this entire journey, joined her at the table. He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and said, "You've been so strong, Y/n. We're proud of how far you've come."

Y/n managed a faint smile, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Thank you, Yoongi," she whispered, her voice carrying the weight of her emotions. "But it still hurts, you know? I miss them every day."

Her mother, bustling around the kitchen, couldn't help but overhear the conversation. She set a plate of Y/n's favorite food in front of her, hoping it would bring some comfort. "Eat, dear," she encouraged. "It'll help you feel better."

Y/n picked at her food, a mixture of gratitude and sadness welling up inside her. "I know you're both trying to help," she said softly, "but it's hard. Every time I hear their names or think of them, it's like a knife in my heart."

Yoongi nodded, his eyes filled with empathy. "We understand, Y/n," he said. "We're here for you, and we'll do whatever it takes to make you feel better."

Their mother added, her voice gentle, "We just want you to find some peace and happiness again."

As the evening wore on, they continued to avoid the painful topics that stirred Y/n's grief. Instead, they talked about lighter subjects, shared stories of happy memories, and made plans for the future. It was their way of providing comfort and support to Y/n without reopening the wounds of her loss.

[ Next day ]

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the serene graveyard. It was evening, and the world seemed to hush in reverence as Y/n made her way to the familiar graves that held the remnants of her once-happy life. Her steps were slow and deliberate, as if she were moving through a world that no longer held meaning.

The first grave she approached bore the name "Kim Taehyung" on its cold, unyielding surface. Beside it rested a smaller grave, the name "Kim Jiha" etched into the stone. Y/n's heartache was palpable as she gazed upon these simple markers of her immense loss. She lowered herself to the ground, her movements mechanical, and sat before the graves with an emotionless face.

The world around her seemed to fade into the background as Y/n began to speak, her voice barely more than a whisper carried away by the evening breeze. "Taehyung," she began, her words soft and tremulous, "I don't know if you can hear me, but I needed to come here. I needed to be close to you, even though I know you're not really here."

She traced her fingers along the cold stone of Taehyung's grave, a gesture of connection, as if she could bridge the gap between this world and the next. "I miss you," she continued, her voice breaking ever so slightly. "Every day, every moment, it's like a piece of me is missing and I miss jiha too. She was just a baby, and she should have had you by her side as she grew."

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